two: adrianna

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orion's pov:

"yeah whatever ally, i don't believe that one bit." i say, rolling my eyes.

"i'm so serious, d- oh shit oh shit no" she starts to panic for some reason. "whatever you do, don't turn around."

"ok, but can you atleast tell me wha-" i start.

"well, well , well..." i was cut off by an extremely familiar voice.

"what do you want?" i say sharply.

he took it upon himself to take the seat next to me. so, took it upon myself to move his chair to the other side of the table.

"you, orion. i want you." he said, leaning closer to me across the table.

"you should've thought about that before you had sex with that slut!" i yell, forgetting that we were in public.

the food court grew silent. everyone was staring at me.

"how about we go talk this out in private. please?" he asks "politely"... haha nice try.

"just drop it ryder. when the fuck are you going to get it through your head that i don't love you anymore!" i don't even care about my surroundings right now.

he looked so hurt. his feelings don't matter to me at all, he has no idea how much he hurt me. two of the most important people in my life betrayed me and i don't know how or if i'll ever get over it.

"just li-" i cut him off. i don't wanna
listen to anymore of his bullshit.

"do you ever shut the fuck up?" i pick up my things and start to walk out. "i'll call you later ally, sorry." she gives me a sympathetic look and waves goodbye.

i can't believe this. the blokes in my area don't ever know how to act. they break everyone's heart.


once i get home i run upstairs and hop in the shower. today was just a bloody mess. warm showers relax me.

when i get out i put on my pajamas (even though it was 6 o' clock in the evening) and throw my hair into a ponytail. i hop onto my bed and just go through my phone. i was scrolling through instagram when i got a kik message from someone.

adrianna xD: hey orion! sorry i couldn't text all day. my mom took my phone :(

adrianna is my internet bestfriend. she's one of my favorite people on this earth. i met her in a magcon groupchat. we became friends around three years ago when magcon began. we stuck together even after it ended though.

she understood me, i could talk to her about everything. she has helped me through alot actually. we actually know almost everything about each other. she is the only one who knew about my being suicidal not too long ago. she is also the one who helped me through it of course.

the most difficult thing is the time difference. when its the afternoon for her, it's morning for me. 15 hours. i was always 15 hours ahead. we just stay up late for each other and stuff like that. it's all worth it.

another thing is that sometimes her way of texting bothered me, but i understood completely. she has an lg phone so she doesn't have emojis. her mom thought iphones were stupid. so i could never videochat her. we usually just do voice calls.

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