five: feelin' the love

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orion's pov:

12:00 am - landed in florida

finally. we're off of that stupid plane. it took long enough.

now for my favorite part of this whole trip. me and adrianna have been preparing for this moment ever since we started talking. i am so excited to finally meet her. she says that she will be coming right after i land.

my mum and i walk through all of the people, our suitcases rolling slowly behind us. i look around, eagerly waiting for my bestfriend to run through that crowd.

i decide to message her.

to adrianna xD: hey! i'm near the entrance waiting area. so excited :)

i'm so excited to meet her that i made my mum make a whole plan with activities for us to do all day today.

that is of course after i sleep... or more like force myself to sleep. i heard about jetlag and it doesn't sound that fun. now being 15 hours behind australia is it going to be easy.


it has now been two hours and adrianna is no where to be found. she clearly knows that i'm here because she read my message. i hope she's okay, i don't know what's going on.

it was bad enough that i had to spend my 16th birthday on a plane and now this has to happen.

"bubs i'm sorry, but we have to go..." she said, rubbing my back. our driver was sceduled to come after me and adrianna talked for a bit. i guess that's not happening.

i was close to tears as we walked out of the airport, on our way to our new house.

we hopped in the car and the driver put on some soft music since it was early.

the driver soon brought the car to an abrupt stop. i looked out of the window in awe, i couldn't believe that this was our new house. it looks so nice, i've never lived in a house this size.

my mum gave him the money and he then got out of the car to grab our bags.

"hey. you okay?" she put her hand on my shoulder.

"yeah, i'm just overwhelmed. it's weird to be here." i said, as i thought about how quickly my life has changed.

"welcome home." she said, stepping out of the car.

"yeah ok" i said, stepping out right behind her.

after we grabbed our suitcases we proceeded to walk up the driveway and to the door of our new house. mum pulled out the keys and began to turn them, but she stopped.

"by the way, it is fully furnished. i had that taken care of. also, i hope you don't mind that i went and did your room myself. i have a feeling you'll love it though. god bless the internet." she said, then pushed the door open.

i walked in to see dark, shiny wood floors, white walls with black trim and beautiful furniture. this is like a dream. every room was so spacious and pretty.

my mum leads me upstairs. time to see this room i'm supposed to love.

"which one is my room?" i ask curiously.

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