three: away we go

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orion's pov:

"orion sweetheart, come down here we have to talk." i hear my mum say from downstairs.

"shit, hope i'm not in trouble. i'll text you later ad"

"okay, good luck." she says and hangs up. i wonder what this is about. i run downstairs and plop down on the couch across from my mum.

"what's up mum?"

"uh, so claire called..." she said, trailing off.

"yeah?" i say, waiting for her to continue.

"and uhh, i got that promotion and i took it..." she said slowly.

"MOM! WHY ARE YOU SO CALM THAT IS AMAZING!" i say, happy for her.

"because there's a catch bubs..." she said, looking down at her lap, which held her hands. she was twiddling with her fingers, and she only does that when she was nervous. shit.

"and what's that?" she's making me nervous now.

"we would have to move..."

"WHAT! WHERE?! WHEN?!" i don't want to move. besides that whole ryder situation, life is average. everything is fine. why couldn't we have left when life was like hell.

"uhh... to uhh" now she keeps stuttering.

"MUM FOR GODS SAKE, SPIT IT OUT!" i'm eager to know. maybe brisbane or perth. i've never been out of melbourne.

"we would be moving to the u.s... florida to be exact. in one week." she said, with a shaky smile on her face.

what the fuck is this.

i stay silent.

"bubs, please say something..." i don't want to start yelling.

"listen, i can't fucking belie- sorry mom" i interrupt myself when i see her giving me a look.

"okay, sorry, sorry. but i've been here for almost 16 years and i have to start over. and i just can't believe that something i've been dreaming about and planning for years that is not going to happen. i just got my dress too, i look so hot mum and now i have no purpose for it. the only good thing in this for me is adrianna... wait, adrianna. OH MY GOD! I THOUGHT I WOULD NEVER MEET HER!" i'm excited for her, but i just can't start over. i'ts going to be so hard. i already know it.

i'm gonna be the weird new girl. it's not like im from texas or something, i'm from across the world. i would sound so weird. i use words/names for things that some americans wouldn't even understand.

i would have to get used to the school systems, the time zones, and so much more. i don't wanna go, but i'm happy for my mum. i want to give her something she'll enjoy. it's the best for the both of us i guess.

"mum, i'm sorry for screaming, but i'm just sad. i don't want to be the new girl. and i don't want to leave my friends."

"i understand that honey, i'm sorry. if it really hurts you that much i ca-" i cut her off.

"mum, no! we're going!" i say, walking over the where she was sitting and hugging her. her phone rings. she looks at me with an apologetic look. "mum it's fine, go get it." while she gets on the phone i figured that i'd use this opportunity to call ad and tell her the news.

"hello?" she answered.

"HEY HEY HEY!" i said, rather loudly.

"why do you sound so excited? what did your mother want?" she asked, confused.

"you'll never guess" i said, inviting her to guess.

"what? ryder got hit by a car."

"ADRIANNA NO! fine i'll just tell you!" i was very eager.

"ok what is it?"

"I'M MOVING TO FLORIDA AD!!" there was a long pause.

"adrianna, are you still there?" she acted like she hadn't heard me.

"HELLO?! i can hear you breathing dumb ass say something!" what the hell? she was just wishing for this.

"oh hey, yeah... that's... AMAZING ORION!" she was acting weird, but i just didn't bother to ask.

"we can finally meet!!" this had been a dream of ours for almost three years. it's weird to think that it's soon to come true.

we spent like an hour or two more on the phone talking about the move and she told me about the hot girls they has there. she enjoyed that topic alot.

later that night i got on my laptop and looked up florida. all good things, all good things. it's similar to australia in some ways, but it will never feel like home. atleast i don't think so.

there was disneyworld... now that's a plus.

maybe i could go. i don't know any of the parts of florida so i have no idea what i'm looking at. then again my mom never told me what part we were moving to. oh well, we'll figure that out later.

i put my hair up and laid down on my bed. i just stared at the ceiling, thinking about how florida would be. i don't know, all i keep thinking is that i'm gonna be the new weird loner chick. but people are nice... sometimes... so maybe not. well i heard the people there are nice. OH! and they have oranges.

you know, yeah, maybe it won't be as bad as i think. i can think of it as a fresh start. no rumors following me around, no dirty bloke on me all the time... i mean that probably will happen in florida, but i don't know.

i guess i'll just have to see.

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