Chapter 16

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Mollys POV

I woke up to Blake packing his stuff up. I checked to see what time it was and it was 5am. We have to leave at 6 so we could be in Ocala by 10. So I got up and took a shower. When I got out I put my 2 piece bathing suit on with a put a pair of Blakes sweat pants on over my bottoms and my DuhitzMark and Chill hoodie over my top. As I walked out of the hotel to the car I texted Claire to tell her we were leaving.

*Skip car ride*

After a four and a half hour car ride we made it. When we pulled in to the drive way I saw all of my old friends sitting on the trampoline. I hurried up and got out of the car and ran over to the trampoline and hugged them. After we all got done hugged I had Blake take a picture of me and my friends on the trampoline. (Picture above but it wasn't dark outside.) I got up and took my phone back from Blake and started introducing everyone to each other.

"Okay so guys this is Jack, Jared, Simon, Corbyn, Jaxson, Damian, Jordan, Weston, my boyfriend, Blake and his brother Austin, oh yeah and that is our tour manager Samantha with every ones parents."I said pointing to everyone.

"Okay tour fam. This is My best friend Claire, Sam, Amie, Bobbie, Harley, Sara, Zach, Tony, Curtis, James. Conner, Anthony, Danny, Caleb,Destiny and Donna . And now that everyone knows each other let go have fun ." I said pointing and smiling at them.

"Yeah lets go!!!!" James said

"Wait what do we do with our bags and suitcases." Weston said

"Oh yeah here is the key. Just go in and get whatever room you guys want, But y'all  will have to share so yeah and no-one gets my room it has a black and white polka dots "T" on the door." I said handing Weston the key.

When we were done unpacking. Everyone changed in to their bathing suits because I decided to take the boys mudding. So I grabbed the shed keys from Chloe and opened the shed. I had Zach, James and Curtis get the three four wheelers out. When we finally made up our minds on who was going to ride with who we left.

Molly- Blake

Claire- Damion and Jordon

James- Danny and Sara

Zach- Jaxson and Austin

Anthony- Harley and Donna

Tony- Simon and Corbyn

Curtis- Jared and Destiny

Conner- Sam and Amie

Caleb- Bobbie and Weston

 We rode down to Claires house to take the back way to the dirt roads so we wouldn't get pulled over by the cops. Claire was leading us to the mud hole even tho we already know were it is. As we rode down the road a cop pulled out right behind me and Blake and turned his lights on. We all hurried up and took off so the cop wouldn't catch up to us but he end up catching us. When I was turning off the four wheeler I heard the cop yell at Claire.

"Hey Stop yelling at her." I said to him

"Oh will if it ain't Molly Payne." He said removing his glasses

" Officer William omg Hi." I said hugging him

"You know him?" Jaxson said looking at me funny

"Yeah he's an old family friend." I said looking at Jaxson

"I sure am. Now since its your first day back in forever and I'm the most amazing family friend ever I will let you go." He said smiling at me

"You would have let me go either way and you know that. But thank you Officer William. You're the best." I said hugging him one last time before getting on the four wheeler.

Forever / A Blake Gray FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang