Part Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

A/N It gets a bit hot and steamy in this chapter, not for the overly faint hearted! You have been warned! ;)

Maxim was torn between wanting to appreciate the moment, Nicole had run to him, thrown herself into his arms, was kissing like she was starved for him, and decency. The reality was it was only six o'clock and they were devouring each other in the street in a way he knew she wouldn't want her neighbours to witness.

But it was easier said than done, to drag himself away from her, end this taste of heaven. He wanted to chastise himself for sounding like a cheesy romance author, but that was exactly how he felt...then Gryaznyy bit him, on the ankle.

"What the..." He let out a shout as he looked down at the dog, who was staring up at him with an expression that said, "really? You want to do this HERE?"

His anger dissipated instantly, "I think that was the equivalent of a cold shower."

Her eyes didn't leave his as she smiled, "I think I like that dog..."

Instantly he feared that she regretted letting go, but she added quickly, "we need to get indoors. I have such nosey neighbours."

He sighed, letting out the air slowly, "I thought you were going to..."

"Run away?" When he nodded, she sighed too, "I've been running for too long. I'm all run out."

Music to his ears. His smile was bordering on idiotic, but he didn't care. "Are you ok with letting Gryaznyy into your home?"

Smiling she took his hand, then bent to scratch the dog's head, "she's cool, I like her."

Glancing from Nicole to the dog, he nodded, "I like her too."

It was then he noticed the plastercast on her right wrist.

"What happened?"

She grimaced, "it was unbearable, so Lisa took me to the hospital. I've definitely broken one metacarpal, there's possibly a crack on another one."

He grimaced, "and I can't even punch that bastard to make it right, can I?"

She shrugged, "I wouldn't want you to...and technically this is a self inflicted injury."

Taking her other arm in his hand, he lifted to his mouth, "this one isn't." Then he proceeded to kiss every bruise on her left wrist, intimately and very sexily, his tongue caressing her sensitive flesh.

"We should go inside," she eventually managed to breath in his direction.

Nicole was holding her breath, she knew that it was unsustainable, but it was the only thing that she could focus on...her breathing, or rather lack of. Maxim had her hand, initially she'd taken his hand in hers, but as they moved towards the house, he seemed to take control of the situation; She had no idea whether that was intentional, or her imagination. But either way, she felt dwarfed by him, but not in a threatening way, not even when he took her keys from her and let them into her home.

Her house wasn't small, but he dwarfed that too, he filled the hallway, hovering over her, eyes staring at her, watching her every move. It made her nervous, but it excited her. As he stood in front of her, she realised that he was waiting for her to make a move, to give him a sign, say something.

"Where were we?" Her words were quiet, but not missed by him. Instead he growled as he pulled her into his arms once more. Lowering his lips till they hovered above hers, he offered, "around about here?"

She nodded, then reached out to wrap her arms around him and bring their mouths together. Nicole melted against him, because the fury of the street outside had eased somewhat, and it left them with only eagerness to explore each other.

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