Just one week

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As I said, I am starting to publish chapters for this story on my spring break, well, in just two days it will be exactly one week until my spring break so that's it

And I do have A LOT more stuff to take notes on of stuff to have in the story, like if you've been watching Delirious for a while you know he's obsessed with Teddy Bears? That will have a big role in the plot as this is a little bit of a funny story

It will have lots of stuff tied into things he has done in games he plays so I hope you enjoy that, it is so much fun writing this story, I am currently 5 chapters in and I plan to upload a chapter every week or every other week once I start publishing chapters

Of course there will be times I take breaks from this story to focus on other stories so yeah

That's all I have left to say, I hope you enjoy


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