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We all ran up the stairs and towards Nogla motioned towards the machine he had been working on the past time. I took in a big gulp and then took a step forward and volunteering myself to go first. I took a step into the chamber and Nogla sealed it behind me. I turned around and Nogla bent down and loaded a test tube kind of thing into the chamber and he looked at me and pulled a lever and green gas began to poor out of the top of the chamber. It began to get to much I couldn't see the others and I began to get dizzy with so much of it breathed in. Just after I got dizzy, the gas began to fade away and then the chamber open up. I put my hand on the edge of it and stepped out and quickly lost my balance and fell into Wildcat's arms. All of them gasped and then Nogla said that it was supposed to happen and told them to go and lay me down but I refused, I wanted to watch my friends.
Nogla turned to Brock and motioned for him next." He took a gulp just like I did before stepping in and sealing the capsule. A white gas began to pour for him and it filled up the tank fast. We heard a thud right before the capsule opened and when it did, we saw Brock had fell down. Vanoss helped him out and laid him down beside me. Vanoss walked to the capsule and stepped in sealing it behind him, then a blue gas began to pour for him and the same thing as me happened. He fell out and just crawled over to me and Brock. Next up was Wildcat. He stepped in and as the capsule sealed he took a gulp and blue gas began pouring in. The same as Vanoss happened. Me and Brock began to regain our sense of balance and began to stand up. Then Lui stepped inside and black gas began to pour for him. His was taking a lot longer and we got to get worried and then out of nowhere the gas sparked and ignited. We heard Lui scream and we all panicked,"Get him out of there!!!" We demanded to Nogla and he just shook his head no and said,"I can't, if I do it will mix oxygen in with the fire making an explosion, one that will blow up the entire Cooncan. We all just watched in horror of it and hearing Lui's screams made it ten times worse. Even Wildcat turned his head away in an attempt to keep us from seeing him cry and to keep from watching the horrifying scene in front of us. And with that, ending just as fast as it started the fire stopped and there laid Lui in scorched clothes in a ball on the bottom of the capsule. We all couldn't help but stare for a while before any of us had the courage to do anything. Vanoss stepped forward and reached for the handle of the capsule and pulled it open. As soon as it opened we heard small whimpers coming from Lui and the crying got worse. Vanoss took a loud gulp and then reached forward and pulled his shoulder back rolling him onto his back. Vanoss just paused and then took a step back and we all looked past Vanoss but couldn't see what he was paused about and we all stepped forward. We all just gasped as we looked at Lui who wasn't burnt at all, his skin actually looked smoother than usual. Vanoss picked him up and carried him to the bedroom and laid him down on the bed. We didn't know what would happen or how long it would take for him to wake up so we all walked out and asked Nogla about our powers. Nogla said,"I couldn't give just Vanoss the heightened senses so all of you have heightened senses along with the powers you asked for." We all just smiled and then I asked,"So how do we use them?"
"Idk" is all he answered then continued,"Delirious, your power is kind of weird though, for every moment you travel into the future, you have to wait and let your power recharge, for example, if you travel 1 day into the future you have to wait 1 minute and if you travel 1 week you wait 10 minutes, 1 month you wait 1 hour, and 1 year you wait 1 day. Of course, there is a way to automatically charge your power, but I don't know what that way is. But if you travel back in time then you gain more you can travel, like if you travel a year back you can travel back to your time and then travel to the future one year and back to your time again." I just smiled and we all cheered.

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