The Super Hero Challenge

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So I am on mobile so I can't ACTUALLY do this challenge, but I am doing the writing for it anyway, so... This is a challenge given to us from projectsuper so this chapter is for them I guess and basically this chapter is just a basic chapter that I am using a certain prompt that ProjectSuper gave out, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I will talk to your guys later.

Oh and I used the prompt of him revealing his secret identity to his friend
Walking around the city I noticed all the people for the first time. I looked over to the newsstand and saw everyone crowded around. Making my way through the crowd I saw that everyone was looking at a newspaper. Once I saw the front page I understood the crowd. It talked about how Batman was quitting as a hero. Quickly I paid for my own copy and I ran back to the Cooncan and jumped in. "Nogla! I gotta show you something!" He stood up from the tube machine that he has been working on the past few weeks and walked over to me. Showing him the paper he gasped and took it from my hands. He walked over to the phone and made a call and motioned me away. Making my way to the room with the suit I grabbed it and put it on and when I walked outside I saw Vanoss and all of them standing there. I just took a step back as their heads turned to me. They all just looked at me in confusion and I realized they didn't know who I was. Noticing they had suitcases with them I quickly turned my head to Nogla for reassurance but then he smiled. I walked up to my friends and said,"I need to show you something..." I raised my hands up and slowly slid the helmet off but my head was pointed down and then I raised my head up and they all just gasped when they saw it was me. Next thing I knew they were all crowded around me and I saw Nogla walking off to grab something. He came back and said,"Ok, Batman retired so this city needs a hero. You guys are gonna be that hero. I want you all to go out, get his batman suits and use them to make your suits and when you get back I have to give you all something. But first, Vanoss, if you could have one superpower what would it be, Lui, Tyler, Brock you answer too."
Vanoss answered,"I'd probably like to have super speed and have heightened senses."
Lui answered in his squeaker voice,"I want to control fire!!"
Brock answered," I want to fly!"
Tyler answered," I want super strength."
Nogla smiled at the answers and then Vanoss turned to me and said,"Not all of the guys were able to come, I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it dude, I'm just glad I get to see you guys, how long are you staying?" I replied as we walked to the cars below.
"We get to stay for a long time actually, we are moving here!" He answered
I just smiled from ear to ear and then we climbed into the car while Tyler stopped and said that he was gonna stay behind. We let him stay while we went to the Batcave that Nogla marked on the car's gps. We drove in and we saw a really fat man standing there in a swim suit beside a pull and Lui said in his squeaker voice,"That's not Batman. That's Fatman!" We all just died laughing which grabbed the attention of the guy and he turned around and then left. Vanoss chased after him and I ran around with Lui and Brock to find the suits. We only found two and then we quickly broke the cases holding them and we loaded them in the car as Vanoss got back and said,"I couldn't catch him." He plopped down in the car and I could tell he was mad. We rode back in silence and Lui and Brock made me stop at a clothes store so when we did they ran in and Brock grabbed a tie dye shirt, a blue jacket, and some blue jeans. Where Lui grabbed a red jacket, black shirt and black shorts.
When we got back to the Cooncan Tyler walked out with a pig helmet that had a helmet on too along with a white shirt that said Wildcat and some zebra pants. We all laughed at how hilarious he looked and then he motioned for us to follow him and he held up a mask for Vanoss which was a tan kind of owl mask. Then he held up an eagle mask that I guessed was for Brock which made him smile. Then he held one up for Lui which was a monkey mask. We all smiled and then Nogla yelled out,"Hey guys, did you get the suits? Oh well, come up here! I am gonna give you superpowers."

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