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I walked along the street making my way home from school. It is a day like any other in North Carolina, the weathers cold, but not too much. As I walked home I noticed that the people weren't outside. Confused, and tired from school I made my way home and when I walked inside I saw boxes everywhere. "Mom? Dad?" I asked, yelling to the house. Awaiting an answer I made my way upstairs to my room where I found a note that read:
Jonathan, we went out to the store for a few supplies for the trip, start packing up your room, we are moving to New York, leaving tomorrow!!
Why wouldn't they tell me this? Why are we leaving, they both have great jobs here. As I pondered this question I walked downstairs and found a few empty boxes. I carried them upstairs and sat them on the floor. Making my way to my dresser I started to grab the clothes and carry them to the empty boxes. Sitting the clothes inside and then going back for another load, I looked to my bed and saw my teddy bear I've had since I was three. Placing the last load of my clothes in the box I walked over to the teddy bear and sat down on the bed as I grabbed the teddy bear. Holding it in my hands and looking at the bear in my hands i smiled and remembered all the memories I've had with this bear and the house. Thinking about the memories I smiled at the arm of the teddy bear that is more worn out then the other from carrying it with me wherever I went as a kid. Smiling and laying the teddy bear back down I stood up and made my way to the bookshelf. Picking up one book I looked at it and smiled, it was a book of all the superheroes I liked with their origin stories and then I placed it in another box. Then I grabbed the other books on the shelf. After all my books, I made my way to beside my bed where I grabbed the box of comic books I'd been collecting for years. I pulled one out to see a batman comic, I smiled, I remembered looking everywhere for the complete set of batman comics. I placed that one back into the box and then I pulled out a Spider-Man comic, remembering collecting all of those as well. I carried that box over to the rest and laid it down as I continued to pack.

3 hours later~
I laid on my bed holding my phone above my face as I texted friends about my situation. Telling them how much I'd miss them as an understatement. Taking a picture of my packed up room and sending it to the group chat of my friends. All of them, Tyler, Craig, Scotty (fourzer0seven), Brian, Lui, Evan, and Brock all sent back "oh wow" as in not being able to believe my once full of life room could be so dark like this. We continued talking for the remainder of the night, is stopping to take breaks to eat every once in a while. Hearing a sound from downstairs, I laid my phone down and rolled off my bed. Making my way downstairs I found my parents holding more boxes to pack the remainder of the house. Glaring at them for a few minutes, the house was dead quiet. My mom finally spoke,"I'm sorry Jonathan, if you want I can call the moving company and tell them to give us an extra few hours so you can hang out and say goodbye to your friends?" I smiled,"Yes, thank you. But if you don't mind me asking, why are we leaving? You and dad both have amazing jobs, we don't need to leave." I replied
My dad answered,"Your grandma, she died and  she left us her house. And if we don't take it, they're going to tear it down." I let my head fall to the floor and I just turned around and ran upstairs.

Hey guys, what do you think of the first chapter, I know, it is weird how I have it now, I think so at least, but the next chapter he will be leaving his home and the chapter after that, he will be getting used to New York  so don't judge the book yet, it is going to be amazing just trust me!
I will tell you that he doesn't actually BECOME Batcoon for a few chapters in, but the chapter before he does, he becomes H2O Delirious, and he IS a vigilante!! SO MUCH INFORMATION OH MY GOSH!!!!!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, BYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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