First Mission

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Getting done with our training, all of the guys had learned how to use their powers. Not exactly control them. But at least they knew how to use them, I don't have a clue how to use mine. All of us climbing into the helicopter to go back to the Cooncan and tired from the whole day of training, I struggled to stay awake but when we landed all of us climbed out of the helicopter and drowsily walked to our bedrooms and took our suits off to go to bed.

About an hour or so after going to sleep Nogla ran in and woke us up telling us that we needed to get up and go do a mission. Wildcat somehow wouldn't wake up for anything so we had to get our suits on and leave without him. Climbing up the Maze Bank building to get the signal that Nogla picked up for the mission. As we had control over the radio frequencies up here we took advantage and broadcast what we were saying and Vanoss stood at the edge and looked out saying,"My name, is Night Owl. And I must defend this city." Then Lui stepped up beside him and said,"I'm Mega Monkey" in his squeaker voice. I stepped up at the other side of Vanoss and said,"And I! Am Batcoon." Then Brock walked up behind me a little but in between me and Vanoss and said,"And I am Early Bird." Then forgetting we were broadcasting on every frequency Vanoss said,"So why are you here last?" There was a moment of silence before i burst out laughing and Brock just said,"Uuuuuuuhhhhh" and then ended the broadcast right before everyone else burst out laughing and I said,"That's a good question!" As I turned around to look at him. Then Brock turned the broadcast back on and Vanoss picked up saying,"Alright! forget that, we have to defend this city. Ok?" I spoke up saying,"Yes!" Then he continued,"We are the superheroes that this city deserves!" Then without thinking I spoke up and said,"We are the heroes that this city needs!!" Then there was a quick silence and Vanoss sighed and said,"N-" then sighed again and continued,"Fine! This city needs us AND deserves us." I began laughing while he continued,"Yeah, take that Batman" I continued laughing for a moment and Vanoss started,"Tonight. We will fight evil." Then I spoke up saying,"Evil!" In a creepy voice and Vanoss continued,"We will save the innocent." And I said in the same voice,"Innocent!!" Then he tried continuing,"And we will-" then Lui spoke up in his squeaker voice saying,"AND WE'RE GONNA GET GUMMY BEARS!!" As he dove off the building.
Then we turned off the broadcast and Vanoss said,"To the Cooncan!!" As he jumped off and when I jumped off I just yelled,"Cooncan!!" Before screaming and opening up my parachute.
We landed in the back of a truck that led us close enough to the Cooncan that we ran down and through the alleys until we got there. Then we jumped in going down the slide and then when we got there we couldn't find Nogla so Vanoss went to the computer and used the frequency we found to find out what we need to do and I said,"A-Al-Al-Alright. What's the plan?" Then Vanoss looked at the computer and said,"We have to stop the drug train." Then I spoke up,"Yes! The drug train!"

After a little preparation, we stole some big vehicles to block the trains path we drove to the tracks and I said,"The drug train comes along every- every couple of minutes." Then as we drove onto the tracks Vanoss yelled,"We have to stop this train!" Then Lui interrupted saying,"Op there's the train, we're gonna miss it!" Vanoss yelled "It's our mission! HURRY!!! HURRY!!!" I yelled,"Stop it!! Stop it!!" As Vanoss drove his bus into the front of the train causing his bus to explode and go flying. And everyone burst out laughing at how far the bus flew and knowing that with the indestructible armor and everything that Vanoss would be ok and we saw him falling out of the bus and hit the ground. He groaned for a second but then continued laughing and Brock said,"You went absolutely flying!" In between laughs. Then while the train passed we went to an area that had a place we could jam the vehicles into so we had a bus and two semi's jammed in and I just said,"I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. Let's go. I'm staying guys!" As everyone else stood back and out of the way. And as the train came Lui said,"Hold, hooold, hoooooold." Then I said,"Come on. You WILL stop drug train!" Then the train barreled into the back of the semi I was in and scraped it off the tracks and flung me into the air along with the other trucks and blew them up making everyone laugh as I just said,"Oooh God." As I fell in the truck to the ground. As I landed the truck it still worked so I drove out of the pile of cars and said,"The drug train...has not been stopped. The drug train wasn't stopped guys." Then surprised I survived and a little sad the train didn't stop i said,"Aw man." And then Brock laughed as he looked at the truck and said,"Delirious is on fire." And continued laughing then Vanoss said walking up to the truck,"You survived... Man, you survived." Then I said,"Yeah, I survived." Then while Vanoss just said,"Holy cr*#" I said,"Yeah I survived... That, that." Then I felt the heightened senses tingling and said,"Oh. Oh." Then the truck exploded sending me and Vanoss flying and crashing into a building wall and Brock laughed. As that happened everything went completely white and I began shaking and then I woke up a little bit away from where we slammed into the building and so did Vanoss. It was like we respawned. I just gasped as Brock cackled and looked around after seeing our bodies disappear.
After a while of trying to figure out what happened we walked back to the tracks and Vanoss said,"We gotta jump on this train!" I finished psyching myself up and clapped my hands once and said,"Yes-yes, let's jump on this train." As I ran up to Vanoss who was on the side of the tracks the train wouldn't be on. Then when the train started to come I got in a running position and started running towards it and said,"Alright, stop the drug train! I'll stop it. I-I'm going on right now!" I said as I ran towards the open cargo area and jumped towards it and grabbing on but the wind slid me to the back of that area and i screamed as I slid but then I quickly pulled myself up before I got to the end of it and I landed on the little platform between this car and the next one which looked like a fuel tank. Then I said,"I'm on it. I'm on it!" At the same time as Vanoss who began walking to the back of the car towards me as Brock said,"Ooooohhhh... I just got... Wasted." Then as I stood up I yelled,"I did it! I'm a f*ck!ng NINJA!!" And I laughed while Brock just said,"Yes!" And Vanoss asked,"Are you on? Are you on?" And Brock said yes while I laughed and said yes too while jumping into the indented area but I said it from happiness of getting on. Then Vanoss just said,"Alright, good." And as Vanoss climbed up to where I was and jumped onto the fuel tank looking thing I said,"We made it. We made it. Alright umm..." Then Vanoss asked about Brock and he climbed up to another fuel tank looking thing a few cars down and said,"Wait for me." While I said,"The-The front end guys." And Vanoss told me to wait for Brock to get over here and we went in a tunnel Vanoss said,"Oh. I almost got hit off." and Lui said,"Look, Vanoss is gonna get hit off." Talking about the other end of the tunnel and then Brock screamed,"Oh no! I did!" Then I hopped up onto the thing Vanoss was on and said,"Is he.. Is he?" Wondering if he was still on and then Vanoss just said,"Oh... F*ck!!" As we got hit off and Lui just laughed at us for being so stupid. Vanoss was on the fuel tank still holding on and said,"Yes! Yes! I'm still on... Oh no! I fell off! Hurry get up! Jump jump jump! Yes! I'm on, I'm back on." And while he did that the train ran me over and I did the same thing as before. And I said,"Help! No, i got ran over." Then I laughed and continued,"Noooo!! I died!" Then quickly I rushed to a car and threw the person out and picked up Brock who also did the dying respawn thing and I drove to the train tracks making sure I could see Vanoss on the mini GPS on my wrist and I said,"I am- I'm- I am. Wait for me guys!!" Then I got to where I could see the train and Vanoss and Lui standing on the back fuel tank thing and Vanoss said,"Come on uh, uh bat, bat, uh Batcoon." Then Lui laughed when he saw through the windshield and saw me leaning forward as if that helped speed up the car and he said,"Look at him he's so determined." And continued laughing and then Vanoss asked,"What was your name again?" I forgot to do while thinking I said," Um um... Night owl! My names Night owl." And me and Lui laughed realizing i messed up and Vanoss said,"No. No you're not. That's-" then Lui interrupted between laughs and said,"What the f*ck? Delirious that's-" and while we all burst out laughing I said,"I'm Batcoon." Then continued laughing and I repeatedly said,"I'm here." And Vanoss screamed,"I fell off!" Getting my attention before I got out of the car to jump on. I stopped and waited as he rushed to the car and I said," Get in the d*mn car! We can't let Mega Monkey get all the glory!" Then I grunted wanting him to hurry and as he climbed in I started driving saying,"Cmon, alright." When driving through the tunnel we couldn't even see the train anymore and I laughed saying,"Ummm, I couldda picked a faster car." Then Vanoss said,"I know. What the he!! man!" While I laughed and finally after a while we got to where we were in front of the train and I pulled over and me and Vanoss just said all kinds of stuff about get out and cmon and we both just said,"Go go go go go!" And we missed the blue cab thing so I said,"The orange one! We gotta get the orange one!" And Vanoss asked if I was ready but I didn't even respond and we rushed to the orange one and jumped to climb on I latched on and Vanoss slid down a little from the wind and screamed "no" and as I climbed on I yelled,"I DID IT!! I MADE IT, YEEEEAAAAHHH!!" Then we realized we completely forgot about Brock and he drove beside us and said,"Alright, I got this. I got this." And climbed out the window and jumped on. Then as we started climbing to the front I forgot Vanoss' name so I said,"Alright. Bird- bird. Bird man. Or whatever your f*ck!ng name is!" And everyone burst out laughing and Brock mocked me saying,"Bird man" Then Lui said,"Quit f*ck!ng up our names Delirious!" While laughing and then as I laughed I replied,"I can't remember your God d*mn names-" and had to stop from laughing as we walked to the front of the train. And Lui interrupted me laughing and stated,"You can't even remember your own name! 'What's your name Delirious?' 'Night Owl'" and we all burst out laughing at him mocking me.
As we got to the front of the train we all placed C4 on the train, in the front. On the fan thingies on top. Everywhere and Vanoss said,"Alright." As he placed the last one of his and backed up and he fell and landed in the gap between the car's and we all just gasped and said Oh no as i rushed to him saying,"Night owl! Give me your hand!" I pulled him up and we got in the car and backed up and Vanoss asked if we were ready and I responded,"I'm ready. I'm ready!" Then I stood in front of everyone and counted down for when we should all blow our c4's,"3. 2. 1. Stop the train!!!" And Vanoss said,"Boom! Yeeeeaaaahhhh." Not knowing the train didn't stop and I just said,"What?! Does this train not stop?! Does this f*ck!ng train not stop?!?! What the he!!'s wrong with the d*mn train?!?" While throwing grenades at it making them explode on impact and everyone laughing at me. And then Vanoss wondered,"We really can't stop the train?" And then Lui said,"I don't know. But I'm gonna stand in the front, someone's gotta make the ultimate sacrifice." Then I heard Vanoss say,"Oh, well I fell off, aaaaaahhhh." And I just said,"No. No. No. Don't fall off." And then we used the last of our grenades and c4's on the train before jumping off and finding a place to meet back up and Night Owl said,"Well, did we fail this mission guys?" And Lui laughed and I said,"We f*ck!ng failed! So apparently, the drugs are gonna be released across wherever the train was going... Uh Los Santos?" Then we all laughed and Vanoss said,"We respectfully let the train go." We all laughed for like the billionth time and I said,"The train was no match for us and we felt bad for it. Yeah. So now our next mission is. To move to Los Santos. And then, we gotta stop the drug dealers on top of one of those d*mn mountains. They're somewhere around there."
HEY EVERYONE!!! Yes!! I am back! I was busy, I was in Panama on vacation and I couldn't write these chapters. But I am back and I wrote this incredibly long chapter for me and here you go. I wanted it to be as close to the video as possible. And the next chapter will have them do the rest of the things they did in the video. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I did add the video this was based off of above so you can see how close I was and please. Comment and vote if you enjoyed. I want to hear your feedback.
As always. I hope you enjoyed and I will talk to you all in the next chapter. Goodbye!!

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