The Janitor

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Stepping through the doors to my new school, to say I am terrified is an understatement. Finding the office, I walked inside and I noticed a really weird looking man standing there and I couldn't help but chuckle. Grabbing my schedule from the lady behind the counter and receiving a strange look from the man in there was enough to make me leave that room. Counting down the lockers looking for mine I found it and put in the combination that was on my schedule. Putting my binders I picked up on the way here in there I closed the door and made my way to my first class, Web Design. Opening the door, everyone turned and looked at me and I could feel my heart beat faster and my face get red. Looking at the ground I walked, faster than normal, to the teacher and handed her the note the lady in the office told me to give her. She smiled and told me to go have a seat next to Luke (Cartoonz). Rushing to the seat and getting there I quickly opened my binder and tried my hardest not to get noticed, but the kid sitting next to me just kept staring at me.
"What's up new kid?" He said to me
"My name's Jonathan." I replied
"Nice name, I'm Luke." He smiled and held out his hand which I shook, very nervously.
"Where'd you move from?" He asked
"North Carolina" I smiled, opening up and calming down to him
"Nice, what was it like?" He asked
"Amazing, the people were awesome." I answered
"Ok, class, let's get to work." The teacher yelled to the class

~6 hours later~
Making my way to the doors I saw the man that was in the office walking towards me. Picking up my pace when I passed him, he quickly turned to walk with me and said,"Don't say a word, I'm looking for someone to help me with something, and that person needs to be you," he paused and looked at me and then back to where we were walking,"and I see that you are interested, so meet me at this address at 6:00 P.M." He finished, handing me a small card and when I turned back to him, he was gone in the crowd of kids, me looking around for him with no clue where he is. I turned the card over in my hand to read that his name was Daithi, I thought about his name for a minute of how weird it sounds to me and then I looked at where he wanted me to meet him and I quickly put it in my phone and it turned out to be an alley. I slid the card behind my phone into my phone case. Getting into my car I drove home and grabbed a simple black shirt and laid it on my bed along with my blue hoodie as I slid my more classy shirt off. I put the hoodie and shirt on and laid on my bed. Playing on my phone to pas the time until it's time to leave I watched the video Evan posted today, it was of him a couple of the others playing GMod hide and seek. At the end of the video I was so happy from all that laughing and then I looked at the time to see it was 5:30 so I had to leave. Walking out the door I climbed into my car and headed for the alley the man told me to meet him at, arriving 10 minutes late I was afraid he would have left by now. Climbing out my car and rushing through the alley I looked around but couldn't see him. That's when I heard,"You're late, I thought you weren't coming." Whipping around I saw the man again and before anything else, I asked,"Is your name REALLY Daithi?" He laughed and said yes, but to call him Nogla. Nodding my head he told me to follow him and then he crept over to a blue dumpster and pulled it back a little and then moved a brick on the wall aside and pressed a button. After only 3 seconds of waiting, the dumpster opened and he told me to jump inside before he did himself. Slowly making my way there I looked inside and there wasn't any trash, only a large metal slide that looks like it goes down really far. Hesitating, I put my hands on the side and jumped up and kicked my legs over the bin and started sliding down the tube.
Hey guys, what did you think? Was it good? I am going to have these chapters around 800 words maybe more each, because I don't want them to be too long because I'm going to update a lot more often then I do my other books so don't worry about the short chapters
Hope you enjoyed, if you did, be sure to vote or comment or don't, whatever, as long as you read it I guess


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