Settling (filler)

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This chapter is just a filler as possibly the next one too, I need to get a few things in before I have him become Batcoon, but it'll be worth it I think, I hope you enjoy.
Pulling into the driveway I looked up at the new house and stepped out of my car. Closing the door of my car and opening my back door, I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder and walked to the moving truck and grabbed a box. Walking to the open door of the house from my parents opening it so we can just go back and forth until the boxes are unloaded. Heading back out the door and grabbing another box I zoned out and next thing I knew the boxes were in the house. I grabbed my bag again and looked around the new house for what my new room will be. Seeing the door at the end of the hallway on the second floor I walked into it and looked around. Sitting my bag on the bed I looked over to the window ledge and sat down on it and looked out at the city and smiled. Grabbing my bag I opened it and grabbed the clothes I had in it and put them in my dresser and grabbed my teddy bear and sat him on the bed. Making my way around the room I grabbed my favorite blue hoodie and hung it up in my closet. Next thing I grabbed was my sketch book and I sat in the window sill and opened to my latest drawing to add some details. I added some darker parts to the raccoon mask and suit and then I closed the book and sat it down.
Sorry it's really short, that's why another chapter is going up with it, because this was just bad, I don't know what was wrong with my brain writing this chapter, I just needed something to write so I did this,

You probably didn't but I hope you enjoy


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