Happy Wife Happy Life

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Sorry but Erejean because I can. Not the official ship though.

"I'll miss you. " Jean whispered to Eren as he put their foreheads together.

"I'll miss you too but I'll face time you everyday okay?" Eren smiled looking up.

Jean nodded and Eren go in the car after stealing a goodbye kiss. He had Mikasa drive him to his university. He had long waited for his college life and here it is. He was attending the finest school in Gotham. Gotham was the large community they lived in. The smaller part of the town they were in was Titan County where Eren and Jean lived. They were a fairly normal couple in a Fairly normal, and need Eren say, boring town.

"Are you excited about college?" Mikasa smiled to him trying to lift his mood.

"Of course! I can't wait, I'm gonna take a Internship to make sure my credits stay well." Eren informed already having the idea in his head.

"Really, where?"

"I'm gonna help around Arkham Asylum since I'm majoring on Psychiatry and Human Science."

Mikasa looked over shocked but soon turned back to the road. "Are you sure? You know who they got back in there, right?"

Eren knew very well. The most nutorious villan, Joker. He was, weirdly, Eren's reasoning to go into the internship. He had always appreciated the man extreme personalitly and that's why he wanted to be a psychiatrist. He wanted to work with extreme personalities and understand them way more than he already did.

"I'll be fine Mikasa." He stated smiling.

She hesitated but soon nodded giving him a smile back. They soon arrived to the college and Mikasa helped him carry his bags into his dorm.

When they finished unpacking, they shared a small hug and Eren waved Mikasa goodbye and sighed walking into his dorm.

He was lucky enough to get a single room and laid down on his bed. He grabbed his journal and started writing.

" Journal entry 49,

First day of college is tommorow. I'm finally 20 (4 months ago!) I cant wait to see Arkham Asylum for the first time. I wonder if ill see the Joker.'

Eren yawned and soon turned off his light and climbed into bed, going to sleep.

This is probably the shortest chapter I'll ever have. ONLY 373 WORDS

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