The Factory

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"Levi, is this safe?"

Levi rolled his eyes, he knew why the boy would be hesitant but they've been there for an hour. He put a hand on the boys shoulder and smiled at him.

"We'll go in together, just so I can assure your safety." Eren looked at him still easy of the idea but slowly nodded.

"Fine, fine, let's do it." He smiled easily at the other male and grabbed his hand.

Levi looked down at their hands and felt the slightest blush on his face. He looked at Eren who was smiling at him, cocky little bastad.

"On 3," Levi started looking forward. "1, 2," Levi then jumped and pulled Eren down with him. "3!"

Eren closed his eyes and Levi pulled him close to his chest. "I love you,"

Then they were suffocated by the liquid that would give Levi, his true loves true form.

As Harlen Quinn.

Levi opened his eyes slowly and swam to the surface and pulled Eren up with him. They were covered by the thick green liquid and Levi wiped most of it off of Erens face.


His face was palee then normal and his eyes were closed with traces of turquoise under his right eye and bright yellow under the left.

"My, my, none of the others were like this, mostly there hair changed not their eyes." One of Levi's voice song songed.

(A.N. Okay, so Levi and Eren's voices are the past carnations of Harleys and Jokers and, if course, most of Eren's voice are girls and some are guys, same for Levi but theirs more guys then girls. Okay, I'll leave.)

"Funny hearing you guys, will this be the one?" Levi asked wiping the color from Eren's face.

"Oh yes definettly." This one was female and her voice cooed over Eren.

Levi was going to respond but he felt the boy in his arms stir. He looked at his face and seen his eyes move and salted before opening.

Levi gaped at them, instead of the normal greenish blue they were bright turquoise and bright yellow, like gold almost.

"Eren, Eren?" Levi asked snapping his fingers at the boy. He looked over at Levi and pushed him back, moving to one of the other containers. He leaned against it and held his arm, staring in different directions.

"Wh-where am I? Who are you?" He asked in a scared voice.

Levi walked over making the boy falter slightly. Levi only have a smile and leaned down, putting out his hand.

"Your in your new birth place, and I'm," He thought for a minute before remembering the words. "Ihre wahre Liebe , und Ihr neuer Anfang." (Your love and your new beginning)

Eren looked at him in amazement and wonder, his eyes were wide and his mouth slightly open. Levi nudged his hand closer and Eren slowly took it in his and soon smirked Emily and pulled Levi down.

Levi fell to his knees and Eren pulled him to his lips, soon full out making out with him. Levi pulled him closer, and noticed the restored and targeted clothes they wore. He pulled Eren up and held his waist.

"May I ask one thing?" Eren looked over at him.

"What is it?" Levi asked.

"What's my name, I mean I know my first birth name, but what's my new one?"

Levi smiled at him and packed his lips. "Harlen, Harlen Quinn. Only I can call you Eren, and only you can call me Levi."

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