Raising Some Hell

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Levi walked out of the building, carrying Eren, both of their clothes were rags on them and they were still smothered in the slimy green goo.

"Eren!" They heard a voice call.

Levi turned and seen the last person, or should he sat people, he wanted to see tonight. There stood Batman, Robin, and Jean.

Eren looked up at Levi, slightly worried. "Why are they calling me by that name? Only, you can call me it, right?"

Levi nodded slowly and held Eren closer. "What, do you want Jean?"

"I want Eren back, and without any trouble." Jean answered. He raised his hand and Eren saw small peices of vine and grass crawl towards them.

Eren hid behind Levi, not understanding what was happening. Levi glared up at Jean and soon smirked. "You think you can stop me?"

Eren watched in anticipation as Levi walked forward slowly, over small peices of glass and puddles. Eren seen the vines get closer to him and looked for a weapon, soon finding a baseball bat.

All three figures fell down to the ground ready to fight. Eren took notes of what they looked like.

Jean wore a pair of red-ish brown jeans and had on green shoes. He was shirtless and he wore vines on his arm like bracelets. He had extremely odd green eyes that were practically glowing. Next was Batman. He wore a black cape and his chest piece was of a black and purple metal. He had a few weapons in his belt, which was slipped around a pair of grey jeans. His boots were metal on the top and had a heel at the bottom, making him taller.

Robin was very familiar to Eren and he paid more attention to him. He wore a cape like the tallest male and had a utility belt just like him. He had on black skinny jeans that clung to his nicely toned legs. His shirt was a red an laid right against his frame and muscle were able to be outlined.

His mask was a leather black and his boots were aswell. His hair was pulled back and his blue eyes were determined.

Eren smiled at the boy and swing his hips, walking to Levi, who wrapped a arm around his waist.

Robin stared at him in shock. Eren looked over at him before winking. "Hey boys," He started with his accent which matched him perfectly.

"Eren?" Robin asked in shock. Eren looked over at him and pointed with his bat. "That's not my name." He glared tightening his grip on the bat.

"Eren, snap out of i-" Jean started pleading.

"What did I say?" Eren yelled gripping his bat tighter than before.

He ran over to Jean and swung. He got his legs, causing him to fall. Jean pulled his vines forward and grabbed Erens arms. Levi came over and pulled Eren out of the plants grip and Batman looked over at Robin.

"Robin, you know what to do." The taller exclaimed.

The younger nodded and grabbed a object from his belt and throught it hitting Eren's shoulder, he grew three more, hold ing the boy in place against the wall.

Batman came and tackled Levi and Robin walked over. Eren glared at him, his eyes brighter than ever. He just looked at him with slight jealously and admiration.

"Eren," He whispered finally standing infront of the boy fully. Eren only glared at him. "Don't call m-" He was stopped by Armin's hand on his mouth.

"Stop, I know you don't like when I call you that and I won't if you really want me to. But I need to know, you're still in there, right?" He was almost pleading him.

"I've never met you before in my life. I remember everything of my life, and I know, that I've nev-" Robin had stopped him by kissing him.

Eren shut his eye slowly and felt a hazey drunken memory flood back to him. It was him and Armin..


Eren and Armin were sitting in his living room. They had decided to just get shit faced and had bought weed and beer.

Eren was holding the bowl they were sharing and they both were pretty intoxicated.

"Okay," Eren coughed lightly after taking a hit." Your turn to ask."

Armin thought do a moment and suddenly hummed. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Eren said with childish thoughts in his head about winning this.

"Okay," Armin sat up and poked Erens chest. "I dare you to let me do whatever I want to you~"

It was the alcohol in their systems that made them oblique. It started with smallung kissing on the lips, soon to a make out session and shared hits of the bowl.

Eren melted into the kiss and Armin pulled back slowly, his eyes fluttering open as he did. Eren knew who was really behind the mask.

Eren states at him and noticed everyone staring at them.

"Eren," Armin started." Please come back with us." He slightly begged.

Eren stared into his eyes ready to answer when Levi kicked Batman off of him and pushed the blonde back, pulling out the small weapons as he did.

"Sorry, Romeo but this fairytale is for the villans."

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