What The Hell Was That?!

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"What the hell?" Erwin yelled.

Armin looked down, disappointed in himself. He had let his emotions take control.

"Let's go, they can't take you back." He heard Joker whisper to Eren.

He looked at him, his eyes softened at his frightened look. He slowly looked away and soon they were gone in a flash and smoke.

"Dammit, they got away!" Erwin yelled.

"Calm down, we'll get them later. Let's worry about what's going through his mind!" Jean yelled pointing a finger at Armin.

He shrunk down lightly. They both glared at him and soon Armin rolled his eyes and growled out. "Im not gonna take this."

They tried stopping him but he soon got home and into his room. He sighed and pull down his hair and change into a pair of pajama pants and put on his glasses. He grabbed a book and sit in his normal den chair, soon relaxing into it.

"Just calm down Armin," He whispered to himself, gripping the book tightly.

He closed his eyes tightly and soon heard clicking on his window.

"Huh?" He asked aloud.

He walked over to one of the large windows in the room that looked over the city and seen some rocks hitting against the glass. He stood at the window, not opening it.

"Who is it?" Armin asked himself quietly as he soon enough, opened the window.

"Hello?" Armin asked into the open night. He felt a shiver on himself and remembered he was shirtless.


Armin gasps and felt another shiver, but it wasn't from the cold air. He knew Eren was down there. He recognized his voice and now he could see his translucent turquoise and golden eyes.

"Eren, what are you doing here?!" He asked a little scared.

"Let me up."

Armin stared for a bit but soon slammed shut the window.

"No, he can't come up here."

Armin locked the window shut and went to his kitchen to get a beer. He would have drunken tea but this was really messing with his nerves. He felt something behind him as he leaned against the sink and slowly grabbed a knife.

He soon enough turned, knife in hand. His arm was grabbed and he was soon staring in two mitch matched eyes, of Eren Jeager.

"Eren?" He whispered out, scared out of his mind.

He didnt know why, but he was always say more confident and somehow felt stronger with his mask. And, since he was shirtless and held aginst the kitchen sink with the new villan (Who was dating the most nutorious villan, like, EVER) it wasn't a real confidence booster.

Eren looked him up and down and soon used the hand not holding Armins arm, and placed it on his waist.

Armin didn't move his gaze from Erens face. He was confused and sadly to say, scared shitless. He knew he needed to get away, he didn't know what was going to happen.

"Was he going to kill me?!"

Armin's eyes widen slightly and soon tears fill his eyes. He didnt want to die, not like this.

"Eren," He whispered slightly. "L-let me go!"

Eren only gripped his hips and pulled him closer. Armins nerves were on overdrive and he felt himself against the others chest. Eren's mouth was next to his ear and his breath was warm and tickled against his neck.

"I know you're Robin." He whispered making Armins eyes year up even more.

"No, n-no I'm n-"

"Don't lie to me." He snapped lowly making Armin hush up. Aarmin slowly closed his eyes

"Im not lyi-"

Eren growled lightly and turned Armin and pinned him against the opposite wall. The blonde whined lightly and felt blood trickle down his neck.

"What did I say?" Eren yelled holding the boys wrist up.

"Eren ple-" Armin was stopped mid sentence as Eren moved one hand to grab the blondes cheeks, moving the both of the boys wrist into his left hand.

"Now listen Arlert, I know what you are. I know what you do, and what you and your friends," Eren growled out the words friends." Want with me. You sick bastards won't pay a finger on me or my man ever again. You hear?"

Armin couldn't talk so Eren moved his hands off of him, watching him fall to the floor.

"What did he tell you? What did that sick, repulsive little-" Armin cursed out before being kicked.

Eren looked at the pale figure of his beloved. He was standing over Armin and had the intent of doing more damage. Levi slowly raised his leg but Eren pulled him away from the blonde.

"Stop, he's had enough for now."

Levi glared at the confident brat and kicked the blonde again. He grabbed Eren's waist and jumped out the window, into the darkness of the night.

Armin stated in the floor, for what seemed to be hours. How were they gonna save Eren? Could they save him?

This was a big one.

Wow I updated? That's new. Sorry for the late update, I just got out of school and the Exams have been picking my ass from hell and back.

I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time.

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