1: The Audition

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Hi, guys! This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic so bear with me! I hope you guys will enjoy it, and feel free to comment your opinions! I will write a few chapters first to get ahead and then try to update whenever I can. Bye! Xxx :)


Dani's POV

My name is Dani and I live in Australia. I had been accepted into a performing arts high school 4 years ago. I was halfway through year 11 and I had just learnt that I had been chosen to open the annual performance night. I was so excited as this is what I had wished for since I started high school in year 8.

I was asked to choose a song that that summed up my life, as the theme of the performance night was "life stories." I had chosen my favourite song "Nobody Knows" written by the woman who saved my life, P!nk.

The day that rehearsals started, I was told that One Direction were in Australia and was coming for a tour around the high school. I was excited at this news because I was a fan of One Direction, but I didn't obsess about them to the extent that other girls did. Sure I knew a lot of their songs and day dreamed about them every now and then, but I never went to great length to make that known. One Direction was like my guilty pleasure.

The day that One Direction was touring the school came, and to be honest, I completely forgot! I was Inside the theatre, rehearsing "Nobody Knows"


Harry's POV

"Do you hear that?" I said to the lads. We all kept quiet for a moment as we stood outside the theatre. "It's Nobody Knows! The one we sang on x-factor!," Niall said in a thick accent. We immediately ran into the empty theatre and left our tour guide standing outside by himself. As we saw who was performing, we all sat down and watched in ore.


Dani's POV

I was so caught up in the emotions of the song, that I didn't even realise that one direction was sitting in the empty theatre. As the song finished, I opened my tear filled eyes and saw 4 recognisable boys also in tears giving me a standing ovation.

I curtsied and blushed a little as they made their way to they stage. I had had a huge self-confidence issue which caused me to blush whenever I was paid a compliment or put into an awkward situation, especially when it came to extremely handsome boys.

They made their way up the stairs and onto the stage where I was standing. I was still sobbing at this point. Niall introduced himself first. "e'llo love, I'm Niall, and I think you need a Horan Hug!" He says in a thick Irish accent. He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me as hard as he can, making me giggle. We broke out of the embrace and he asked me what my name was. I introduced myself to each of the boys and hugged them all as I went around.

"You have a big voice, Dani! I have never heard anything like it before." Liam said with a still stunned expression on his face. I could feel myself blush again, and I saw the other boys smirking at me when they noticed my sudden darker face again. "You really don't do well with compliments do you?" Harry said as he broke out into hysteria, and the rest of the boys joined in.

As the laughing stopped, Niall began to speak again. "Sooo... we kinda left our tour guide standing outside by himself... so we should better go back outside and find him so we can finish the tour of your school." I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that they had to leave so soon. I hugged the all once again, and Loui piped up. "Hey, you wanna have lunch with us today?" I looked at him with a smirk on my face. "You know I have school til 3:10pm right?!" Loui turned a slight pinkish colour as he realised he didn't quite think his question through before he asked me. "Oh right," he said still slightly blushing. "How about we take you out to lunch tomorrow if you're not busy seeing as it is Saturday and you won't be at school?" He trailed off.

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