9: Etiquette

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We left the restaurant after a long lunch and got back into Harry's Car. I was starting to get a little curious about the situation between the boys and Zayn.

"Um guys," I started off so I could get all the boys attention.

"Are you still in contact with Zayn?" The car fell silent apart from Loui's subtle cough.

"Ahh not really," Loui replied.

"Don't you think that you should at least tell him that I am replacing him, just so he doesn't hear it through the media?" All the boys sighed.

"I guess," they all said simultaneously.

"It would be good to speak to him again, I miss him so much," Loui said.

"I think we all do," Liam corrected.

Just at that moment, I heard P!nk blast out of my phone. I answered it when I saw management as the caller ID.

- Hello

- Hi Dani, my name is Jennifer, I am calling on behalf of Simon who would like to schedule an appointment for tomorrow so he can brief you about a few things.

- Oh, of course. What time will the meeting be?

- Be here at 11:00 a.m sharp.

- Okay, thank you for letting me know Jennifer.

I wonder what Simon wants to talk about. I said talking to nobody particular.


I walked into Syco Entertainment at exactly 11:00 a.m. I walked up to the front desk.

"Hi, I am here for my 11 o'clock with Simon."

"Oh, You must be Dani, I'm Jennifer, we spoke on the phone yesterday."

"Hi, Jennifer, It's nice to finally meet you." We both grinned at each other.

"Simon's ready for you if you want to go up to his office. It's the top floor, first door on your left as soon as you step out of the elevator."

"Thank you so much."

I walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. I have to admit that I was a nervous wreck. What was Simon going to talk about? I only wish the boys could be he to support me, I wish Liam was here most of all, but they had an interview to attend to.

I stepped out of the elevator and knocked on the first door on the left.

"Come in," I heard a voice call, guessing it was Simon's. I walked in and saw a luxurious office with city views. I would never stop working if a had a view like that every day.

 I would never stop working if a had a view like that every day

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"Have a seat Dani, we have a lot to get through."

I sat in front of Simon at his large desk. I was staring out the window before Simon snapped me back into reality. 

"So, Dani, as you know, you are replacing Zayn's position in the band. When we go on tour and when you are performing, you'll be singing all of his parts in the songs, so you'll need to learn all of these."

Simon handed me a full page of songs that I had to learn. My jaw fell to the floor. 

"All of them," I said slowly. Simon only nodded with a grunt.

"I also want you to take etiquette and media training. You'll be in a lot of interviews when the new album is released and we don't want you to say the wrong thing."

"When will that start?" I asked.

"Nex week. But in the meantime, I want you to watch as many One Direction interviews as you can so you can have a taste of what sort of questions will be asked of you and how you are expected to answer them."

The meeting went on for another hour before we had covered everything Simon wanted to talk about and I could go home.


"Honey, I'm home! I yelled to no one imparticular and giggled to myself. I didn't know that Niall and Loui were over until they tackled me into a bear hug. 

"Um guys, can't-breath," I said trying to take in a breath. 

"Sorry D, we just want to love you," Loui said as he planted kisses all over my face. 

"EWWW," I exclaimed. 

"I now have Loui Koodies!" We all broke out into laughter until we saw Liam walk down the stairs. 

"Hi, Dani! You're finally back he said before indulging me in a warm hug. 

"How did your meeting go with Simon?"

"Tiring," I said followed by a yawn.

"He wants me to watch some of your interviews so I know what to expect and how to react. I also have to learn about 30 songs, especially Zayn's parts for obvious reasons. Speaking of Zayn, Have you told him yet?"

All the boys looked at each other with a worried look as silence filled the room.

"We called him a few hours ago and he will be coming over in 2 days after his promotional tour in Los Angeles. We'll tell him then." I froze for a minute as I tried to think about what Liam just told me. How was he going to react to me? What if he hates me for it? Only time will tell I guess.

"Oh, right. Can't wait," I said with a half smile. Where is Harry," I asked after realizing he wasn't there.

"He is out on a lunch date with Kendall," Loui said in a goofy tone.

"Haha god for him!" I said, realising that his goofiness was rubbing off on me.

"Well, I think I will call it a day, I have to watch your guys interviews and learn all of your songs,"making it sound like a bad thing with a big grin on my face. I actually didn't mind, because it gave me an excuse to fantasise about Liam even more.

"Goodnight then Dani, Come get us if you need any help with the songs."

"Will do!" I said back. I hugged all the boys before I went upstairs, but when I went around to hug Liam, he kissed me on the cheek as well. I blushed a little bit, but surprisingly not as much as I thought I would. I didn't jump to conclusions, knowing that it was just a kind gesture.

I saw Niall and Loui give Liam a strange look but I didn't think much of it and made my way upstairs. 

I had a shower before I opened my laptop and started watching one direction interviews. That's when an idea hit me. Simon was talking about how I was replacing Zayn in the band. But I didn't want to replace him like he was nothing. Zayn and the boys had been through so much together and I wanted to make sure that Zayn knew that no one, not even me could take away the history they shared together. And it was important that I proved this to him, so I started scribblig away on my note pad.


sorry if the last paragraph doesn't make sense. I couldn't get the words I wanted to say out.

It took me a while to write this chaptr but its done now! YAY!!

Bye Xxx

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