15:The Place of Dispair

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Liam sprinted through the doors of the hospital in search for his father. I struggled to keep up with him to try to calm him down.

"Liam! Slow down!" I yelled huffing and puffing.

"I HAVE TO SEE HIM!" He screamed knocking on every door he ran past. The last room we ran the past, Liam spotted his sisters and mum balling their eyes out at his bedside.

"Mum?" He said before joining in on the water works. 

"He's just come out of surgery. He's is still critical." She said with a tight grip on her husband's hand. Liam slowly made his way toward the railing of his bedside. He just stood there in shock. I was standing in the doorway, trying not to intrude before Karen noticed me.

"Are you Dani?" She asked shakily. I nodded and slowly made my way over to her. 

"Yes, I am. I'm so incredibly sorry for what has happened to your beautiful family, and I hate meeting you in this circumstance." She gave me a hug before speaking.

"Thank you for your condolences honey, and no, it's not the best circumstances but it is still lovely to meet you." I greeted Nicola and Ruth with a hug before I made my way over to Liam, and wrapped my arms around his arm.

"Do you want me to call the boys?" I said quietly. He only nodded, trying to conceal himself from crying again. I stroked his arm before making my way outside to call the others. I decided to call Harry first and see if the other two boys were with him.

(Dani, Harry)

"Hello, Dani!" How are you doing?"

"Ahh, not great Harry. Listen are the other boys with you?"

"Yeah, they're here, you're now on speaker. What has happened?"

"We're at the hospital, Liam's father has had a heart attack and he is still critical."

"Say no more, we'll be there soon." Harry hung up the phone and I made my way back into the room Geoff was in. 

"They're coming as fast as they can. They'll be here soon." We were both just standing there, staring at the lifeless figure that lay before us. All of a sudden, all the machines started beeping and 4 nurses and doctors ran into the room and started to push us out the door.

"NO!" They all screamed. 

"WE CAN'T LET HIM GO!" Liam screamed.

"I'm truly sorry sir, but you have to let the doctors do their job." As they kicked us out of the room, the boys had arrived and made their way over to a distort Liam. 

"Are you okay Li? What's happening?" Loui blurted out. Before he could answer, the room Geoff was in went dead silent, the only noise that filled the room was a constant beep sound. The look on the faces of Ruth, Nicole, Karen, and Liam went pale before they all started crying in hysteria. Niall comforted Ruth, Loui comforted Nicole and Harry did the same with Karen. 

I was the one to comfort Liam. I latched onto his body, as he did the same to me. His tears were soaking my jumper. He fell to the floor and I went down with him, in order to try to calm him down. The doctors and nurses filed out of the room except one who stayed behind.

"I am incredbily sorry for your loss," He said solmley before leaving the family in dispair.


 After a long few hours at the hospital we finally made it home. It was a long, silent car ride home. We walked into the kitchen before I realised how red and puffy Liam's eyes were.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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