11: Nice to Meet You

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All the nerves started rushing back as soon as I saw Zayn walk through the door. I froze not knowing what to do or say.

"Who's this?" Zayn said pointing at me.

"Ah, this is Dani," Harry piped up. I could feel my heart beating in my throat as I walked up to him to shake his hand.

"It's nice to meet you," I said politely.

"You too," He replied with a sweet smile.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about that is so important." All the boys looked around at each other not knowing who should tell him. I was about to volunteer myself when Liam stepped in.

"Well, Ah, a few weeks ago, we saw Dani performing and we loved her sound, so we asked her to join the band. That means she'll be singing your parts in the old songs." We all looked at Zayn, nervous to see what his reaction might be. He signed before he gave me a smile and came over and hugged me.

"Congratulation love, I'm sure the boys know what they're doing. Enjoy it all you can." I was surprised to be his reaction. HE WASN'T MAD AT ME!!!! I did a little dance in my head before snapping back to reality.

"So have you recorded any songs yet that I can here?" Zayn asked excitedly. All the boys shot a look my way, signalling that that was my cue.

"Well, actually we do have something we want you to hear. Dani wrote it!" Niall said excitedly. Zayn looked at me with a surprised/excited look as well.

"Well come on then, let's hear it!" I went into the control room and started playing "History," through the speakers. We sat in a comfortable silence while watching Zayn as he intently listens to the song. He just drew a blank expression, and I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we were all terrified when we thought that he didn't like the song.

The music finished and we were waiting for any response at all from Zayn. We definitely were not prepared for tears.

"You wrote this Dani?" I slowly nodded.

"It's amazing! It definitely reminds me of all the special memories we shared together." I sighed in relief before a broke out with a huge smile. We all started talking for another 4 hours when Zayn said he had some pretty big news himself. We all stared at him waiting for him to continue.

"Perrie and I are back together... And we have got engaged again." We all yahooed as we got up and congratulated him. I was so incredibly happy to see that they worked out in the end. Until about 1 a.m, we just stayed up chatting and we managed to finish the album. We were so glad that Zayn there to witness it because it felt like he was still apart of the band.


*Next morning

I was in bed when I heard a loud screaming sound coming from downstairs. I threw on the first outfit I saw and ran downstairs to see what had happened. I saw all the boys sitting on the couch before I started worriedly yelling at them.

"What happened? Is everybody okay? What was the screaming?"

"Oh, uh, nothing happened. We're playing FIFA." Loui said guiltily. I looked at him with a pissed off expression because I had just run down the stair for no reason.

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