7: First Day

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I woke up slowly to the sound of knocking on my bedroom door. "Come in," I said groggily. The door opened and revealed a shirtless Liam standing there. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander down to his muscular torso. 

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Liam said with a big grin on his face and I immediately went bright red. He giggled at my sudden beetroot face. "We are heading to the studio at 8:30 am." I looked at my phone to see the time being 7:00 am. "I have made breakfast, so come down when you're ready." I nodded and smiled at him. Before he left the room, he turned around and said, "Oh, I think it is cute when you blush." He just stood there waiting for me to turn a shade of red again before he smiled and closed the door behind him as he exited.

I got up and decided to have a shower. I pulled my hair into a messy bun, undressed and jumped into the warm shower. I washed with my pearl and black orchid body washed, shaved and then got out and dried myself off. I wrapped a towel around my wet body as I made my way to my wardrobe. seeing it was spring and was starting to cool down a bit, I pulled out black skinny jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and a dark blue denim jacket. I Left my hair in a messy bun and before I headed downstairs, I went into Liam's room and grabbed the first t-shirt I saw.

 I Left my hair in a messy bun and before I headed downstairs, I went into Liam's room and grabbed the first t-shirt I saw

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I climbed down the stairs and saw Liam frying something in a frying pan. "Well Good morning," Liam said turning around and placing hash browns onto a plate already filled with food. "Good morning Li," I replied as I through the t-shirt at his face. 

"What's this for?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

"It's to stop me from blushing," I said in a sarcastic voice. Liam put on the t-shirt along with a huge grin. God, he was cute when he smiled. 

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked as we both sat down at the table and started eating. "Well, we'll go to the studio and get a start on the new album hopefully." 

"Oh great, I can't wait," I said with a slight smile.

"Are you ok?" Liam asked with a concerned face. 

"Just a little nervous that's all. I never been in a studio before and I have NO IDEA how anything works," I said ranting a little bit. 

"Don't worry about it. The boys and I and the boys will help you along with all the other crew members. You have to start somewhere, just like we did. You'll be fine!" 

He gave me a reassuring pat on the back as he got and grabbed our dirty dishes. 

"Oh, I can do that Liam!" I said shoving him out of the way of the sink. 

"Nonsense! You're the guest in my house and you'll not lift a finger!"

"NO!" I said very sturdily. "You made breakfast and you also carried me to bed last night when you could have just woken me up." 

Liam turned a light pink colour as he remembered carrying me upstairs. 

"I do dishes, You have a shower and get changed." 

"Argh, I'm not gonna win this am I? he said with a sad smirk on his face.

"Nope! Now go! Do as you're told!" I said in a playful voice. 

He then ran upstairs while I did the dishes. 


Me and Liam got into the car and started driving to the studio that was about 20 minutes away. 

"Oh, by the way I forgot to tell you, Simon will be at the studio today be he want to see you sing live, so you'd better think of a song that you might want to sing for him."

"Thanks for telling me so soon, Liam," I said with a lot of sarcasm and worry in my voice. 

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. Just sing the way that you did when you were performing infront of the boys when we first met you."

"But the thing is I didn't know you were there watching me perform. I got so caught up in the song that I kinda lost track of where I was."

"Then that's all you need to then. Sing a song that is important to you and get caught up in the moment. Then all you're never will just disappear."

Liam alway knew what to say to say to calm me down. I thanked Liam as we arrived at the studio and parked the car.

We walked into the studio to find the other 3 boys mucking around.

"There you guys are! We've been waiting for ages," Loui said with a concerned face.

"Ahh we are 15 minutes early, Loui, We are early. And I'm also surprised to see you here early too." 

I hugged all of the boys before we headed into the studio. We walked down stairs into a room full of instruments. Niall immediately went to pick up a guitar before he led us into the control room. 

There was a lot of techie techie stuff around that I guess it was very expensive, so I was too afraid to touch in case I broke something. In front of us was a huge window, overlooking into the vocal booth. 

I took in a deep breath and tried to take it all in. This was going to be my life now. My thoughts were interrupted by a guy walking into the room with sunglasses on. He took them off and I realised that it was THE SIMON COWELL! SHIT JUST GOT REAL!!!

He shook all of the boys hands before making his way over to me. 

"You must be Dani. It's so nice to finally meet you. The boys have been talking non-stop about how amazing you are." The boys all turned a light shade of pink. 

"If you don't mind, I'd love to hear you sing something in the booth so I can get an idea of what you sound like live."

I nodded and headed into the booth. I heard Liam's voice fill the room through the speaker. 

"Just put the headphones on and step up to the microphone."

I did what he said and grabbed the Headphones off the stand. I then heard His voice once again through the headphones.

"What song do you want to sing?"

I thought for a moment, remebering what Liam had said to me. "Pick a song that will make you lose track of time," I repeated his words through my head. 

"I'll sing Conversations with my 13 year old self," I repeated to him through the microphone. I then heard all the boys at once say, "We knew you'd pick a P!nk song!" We all started to laugh.

"When you're ready love."

I heard the music start to play, and i immediatley got lost.

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