2: Number 5?

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Dani's P.O.V

We made our way into this cute little Japanese restaurant and we were seated in a booth right away. Liam was on my right, Harry was on my left, and Loui and Niall sat in front of me. "Would you like to order?" a Japanese voice came from my right and scared me half to death. The boys noticed and laughed lightly. Liam began to give our orders to the young lass. "2 chicken, 1 smoked salmon and 5 tuna please, Oh and well have a glass of water each please." 

"Ah... why did you order 8 sushi trays, when then there are only 5 of us?" I said to Liam slightly confused. "Nialler can easily eat for 3 people. I'M NOT JOKING!!!" We all broke out into laughter except for Niall who was fake pouting. "It's not my fault I have a fast metabolism!" Niall exclaimed shortly before he too broke out into laughter.

We were enjoying our meal when i realised that it was awfully quiet. "Something wrong guys?" I said slightly worried at this point. " Dani, we need to talk to you," Loui said in an uneasy tone. "Sure what is it?" Loui began, "Well... you see... Yesterday when we saw you performing, I kinda... sorta filmed it... and then may or may not have sent it to Simon Cowell." I looked at him in shock. My mind was travelling a million miles an hour. "why did you do that? What did he say?" 

Loui had a blank expression on his face, not knowing how to answer my questions. Liam decided to take over. "Dani, you have an incredible voice. None of us have ever heard anything like it before. We filmed you to show Simon to see if we could get his approval." 

"Would you just cut to the chase and tell me what is going on?!" I said becoming impatient. All the boys gave each other a look and all said at one, "We want you to be the 5th member in the band!" 

I started choking on the water that I was drinking. Harry and Liam started rubbing my back simultaneously. "Are you okay?" Harry said. 

"YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?" I managed to spit out after I finally grasped the air I was needing. "We want you to take Zayn's place and join us in the band," Loui said like an excited little kid.

"Only if your folks are okay with it of course," the sensible one added in. 

"You're seriously giving me this opportunity!" I said. "I-I How could i ever repay you? THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I stood up and hugged every one of them as tight as I possibly could. 

They all laughed and along at how excited I was. We stayed there for another half an hour before deciding to leave. We walked to the car where Paul was waiting. "Did you tell her?" Paul said with a ginormous grin upon his lips. "Yeah, they did!" I exclaimed before any of the other boys could. "Oh, Hello Dani! Congratulations!" Paul said as I jumped into the back of the car. "Why thank you Paul, and hello new manager!" The whole car erupted with laughter.

"Well looks like we have a new baby sister!" Loui yelled gleefully. All the boys nodded with exitent and all high fived me. "And it looks like I finally have the big brothers I always wanted but never had!" I said with a sweet cheeky smile. 


Sorry guys, this one is kinda short. I am still trying to get the hang of the writing thing. Hope you enjoyed though! :)

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