8: No Boyfriend Experience

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I opened my eyes after the music had disappeared and re-entered the control room. It was so silent that you could have heard a pin drop. I scanned everybody in the room until I met Simons gaze.

"Are you crying Simon?" I asked. my tears started forming in his eyes along with the rest of the boys.

"I-I just-It-It was so breathtaking. You have so much emotion in your voice and it's amazing how you can just transfer it through music. You are a real musician Dani, and you have a very special gift."

I looked at Simon in shock. Did he just say something nice for once? I brought myself back to reality when Simon spoke up.

"I better go, guys. I'll talk to you guys later. Oh, and Dani, I'll have management call you in a couple of days, so I can talk to you about some important matters.

I shook Simons' hand and he left the studio.

"Well that went well, I think," I said doubtfully.

"You were amazing Dani!" All the boys said in harmony. I blushed slightly as I thanked them. For the rest of the morning we all kind of just mucked around in the studio and were talking.

"Let's go out and have lunch!" I heard a hungry Niall screech.

"Where shall we go then?" I asked and all the others agreed.


I instantly regretted asking the question when I got a death from Niall.
"What is Nandos? I've never had it before."

"You don't know what you're missing."

We all got into Harry's Range Rover and drove to the nearest Nando's, which was conveniently 5 minutes away.

We got out of the car and walked into Nando's. We sat down at one of the booths at the back of the restaurant so that any paps couldn't see us. We sat and talked for a while before a waitress came to take our orders. (I don't know if a waitress takes your order because I have never actually been to Nandos, so just bear with me!)

"What do you suggest Nialler?" I asked looking confused as to what to get as I looked over the menu.

"Well, do you like spicy?" I simply nodded.

"Well, I usually get Peri Peri Chicken."

"I'll have that then," I gestured to the waitress. The other boys ordered their meals and the waitress left. There was an awkward silence so I tried to break it.

"So do any of you guys have girlfriends at the moment?"

"I do!" Loui said with a huge grin on his face. "Her name is Eleanor."

"Aww, Lou-bear is in Loooooove!" I said teasing him a little. His cheeks started to heat a bit, but of course not as bad as I do. I moved onto Harry.

"So what's the deal with you and Kendall Jenner huh!?" I said mockingly.

"How do you know about that!" he shot back

"Uh, read a magazine, watch E.T or google it. It is all over the internet." He only replied with "Oh yeah, right."

"Well, what's happening between you two?" I said not quitting until I got an answer out of him.

"I-I really like her," he said shyly.

"Haha you look like Dani," Loui said gesturing to his red face. The rest of the boys joined in the laughter. I slapped Loui's arm playfully.

"Leave him alone Lou-bear." The banter than stopped.

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