We Made A Mess

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"Oh Harry! You're such a sweet heart!" Louis squeals.

"Oh BooBear!"

"Oh Hazza!"

"Catch me!" I say laughing.


I get up and rub my head, glaring at Louis.


"Sorry Hazza! Forgive me please!" I cross my arms and shake my head.


"Hazzabearrrr! I'm soooo sorry! Please forgive me!" Louis pleads.

I fight the smile tugging at my lips. "Kiss it, make it better." I say.

He grabs my head and kisses it. "Better?"

"Yeah." I say laughing.

"But I don't understand? Why is it so hard to take me to Nandos? Huh?" Niall and Liam walked into the room arguing. Liam sighed and plopped on the couch.

"Because and I repeat there is no car!" Liam says, his voice is strained. Niall whines even more and sits next to him, tugging on Liam's arm.

"But I'm hungry Li!" He whines.

"NIALL!" He yells. Niall's eyes widen.


"No." Liam says. Niall pouts and crosses his arms.

"Fine, meanie head!"

"What are you six?"

"Boys calm down. We have no car for one day. Niall you should know that and Liam patience is a virtue." Louis says in his I-know-everything voice.

"Shut up Louis." Is all Liam says.

"Yeah. Shut up Louis!" Niall says.

"Who's hungry?" I say, changing the subject.

"Me!" Niall squeals.

"Well come help me with dinner!" I say. Niall hops up and follows me into the kitchen.

"So, what are we cooking Harry?" I think for a minute.

"Well since everyones in a bad mood I was thinking chocolate cake... Sound good Nialler?"

"Chocolate cake? For dinner? Sounds wonderful Haz!" I get out a bowl and the ingredients.

"First, Niall go wash your hands." I instruct.

"I'm not a little kid."

"Wash them." He sighs and heads off to the bathroom.

"WITH SOAP AND WATER NIALLER!" "I KNOW!" He yells. I chuckle to myself. He came back with clean hands and a big grin on his face.

"I'm ready to make the cake Haz!"

"Ok! Now hand me the eggs and flour please?" Niall nods and hands me the ingredients.

"So hows life Harry?" I can't help but smile.

"It's good Niall.... Will you pass me the sugar and vanilla?" He hands them to me and hops onto the counter, swinging his legs like a little kid.

"Ever since the x-factor my life has been perfect." Niall says, he looks off dreamily outside. It's raining, typical London.

"It's been great hasn't it." I say. I go to the fridge and pull out the butter.

"Does it involve the buttersock?" He says, he cracks up and I laugh a little.

"I've always wondered what it'd be like if I hadn't tried out for X-Factor. Or if you or Zayn or Liam or Louis hadn't..."

"Yeah I've wondered that too.... It's strange." Niall nods.

"Is the cake almost done yet Harry?"

"No... I still have to mix,bake and frost it." I say chuckling.

"Why can't we eat it raw?"

"Cause you can get sick Nialler!" I protest, spanking his hand away from the bowl.

"But it's just so good Harry!" I flick the spoon I used to mix the cake at Niall. Chocolate mix spattered his face.

"Heyyy!" He licks his lips. I burst out laughing.

"Sorry Nialler!" Before I can stop him he plunges his hand in the mix he pulls it out and chocolate drips all over the floor.

"No! Niall don't!" Too late. He flicks his wrist, covering me in chocolate.

"Oh it's on." I dip my hand into the bowl and flick some at Niall.

"Ow! Harry!"

"No pain no gain loser!" I yell ducking. Niall chases me around the kitchen, cake mix is flying, we're both laughing throwing it at each other.

Soon the cake mix is gone and we're on the floor, laughing hard. We're covered in it, as well as the walls, the floor and the cabinets. Ooops. I got up and held my hand out, Niall took it and hopped up.

"Maybe we should just order pizza?" He asks. I nod.

"That'd probably be best." I say. We burst out laughing until the door opens.

"Oh.. Am I interrupting something?" I look away from Niall. Louis stands at the door.

"Oh no Boobear! We were just having a laugh..." Louis eyes widen once he sees the mess.

"We... sorta made a mess..." I say, still laughing. Niall holds out his hand, pinching his thumb and pointer together.

"Just a little one..." He whispers. Louis nods.

"If I were you, I'd clean this up before Liam sees it. We're talking murder if he sees this." I swallow hard, me and Niall look at each other, the fear in his eyes matches the fear in me.

"Let's clean!" He shouts. I nod.

"Good idea."

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