Shipped Off To A Cabin In The Woods

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Niall starts to lean in close to me. What the fuck is going on? I back away quickly. No! Harry what the hell? Kiss him!!

"Niall? What? What are you doing?"

"Oh uh.. I I'm sorry.."

"No Niall uh." I stop.. What the hell just almost happened?

"No Harry it's okay.. We're good. I mean.. Yeah.. I don't want anything else from you.. Sorry."

"Niall wait!"

"I should go.. I guess.. Well I guess I should have asked but yeah.. Okay." He starts to get up and walks to my door. He stops and turns, "good job though,"

"On what?"

"Leading me on." He snaps. He leaves, swinging the door shut. What the fuck just happened? And what? Lead him on? That wasn't my intention! Was it? I threw myself on my bed, confused angry and frustrated. The rest of the night I tossed ad turned, Niall liked me? Why me? I'm not gay... Well actually.. No! No! That was a mistake... But I had wanted to kiss Niall. "God damn it!" I swear. This whole thing is just so big and over whelming. I wanted to go to sleep, and I would have if I could.


I stumble into the kitchen glumly to find Niall sitting down eating cereal.

"Mornin." He grunts. I nod at him and get some orange juice. "Wow you hate me so much you won't even talk to me.. That's new." I open my mouth to respond but Louis walks in and I pull him to the hallway.

"I really screwed up royally Louis and I don't know what to do please help." I blurt whisper."

"Whoa whoa calm down Haz.. What's wrong?"

"Okay so last night when me and Niall came home we went to my room," I pause and Louis signals for me to keep going. "And he said that he wanted something else from me besides the apology... And then he tried to kiss me and then I backed away and he seemed really hurt an he thinks that i hate him now because this morning he said "morning" and I nodded and the he said "wow you hate so much you won't even talk to me that's new." " I take a huge breath and let it out. Louis is glaring at me. He hits me on the shoulder. "OW!"

"Harry, can you get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat!!"

"Okay enough with quoting Pitch Perfect! Help me!" I whine.

"Just go apologize to him, kiss and make up and then everything's good with you two and we can go to our interview drama free for once!" I nod.

"O-okay.. Do you think it'll work? I mean he seemed really hurt! You didn't see his face Louis.."

"Trust me.. "

"Okay.." I sigh. We head back into the kitchen, Liam and Zayn are now eating breakfast and Louis joins them while I search for Niall. I find him on the couch curled up with his favorite blanket. It was the one that I'd gotten him for Christmas. I walk over to him,

"Can I sit?" He shrugs so I sit. "Can we talk?" He shrugs again.. "Niall please.. I am so sorry about last night. You were going to kiss me then I backed away because I was scared and I did want to kiss you... I'm sorry that I hurt you.. Please can you find a way to forgive me?" He breathes deeply,

"You wanted to kiss me?"

"Well yeah..."


"Because.. Well I dunno.."



"So.. You were scared... Why?"

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