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Soon we're on the third Toy Story when Louis comes down from his room crying. I hop off the couch, leaving Liam with his pizza.

"Boobear! What happened?" He sniffs.

"Here's your laptop Harry." He hands it too me and I take it, I pass it to Liam and he puts it on the couch.

"Boo, what happened?" I ask again. Louis sits on the couch.

"I wasn't good enough... That's what happened." He said, tears fell out of his eyes and slid down his face. "E-Eleanor... she broke up with me..." He sputtered.

"Oh Boo! I'm so sorry!"

"Yeah Mate, it's her loss though." Niall said munching on a piece of pizza. Liam nodded.

"Do you know why exactly?" Liam asked.

"She just said that I wasn't good enough for her.... What happened to us? We were fine yesterday!" He sobbed. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. He sobbed in my arms, his body shook and he sniffed every few minutes, letting out shaky sighs.

"Don't worry Lou.... Everything will be ok." I whispered, I kissed the top of his head and wiped his tears. His eyes were red and puffy.

"Really Haz?" I nod.

"I promise." I say. He smiles weakly and closes his eyes. Soon enough he falls asleep in my arms and I relax against the back of the couch. About an hour later the door bell rings.

"I'll get it!" Niall yells. Louis wakes up, his eyes open, staring up at me.

"Hazza?" He's confused and I laugh.

"Hey there." I say softly. "How do you feel?" His lip trembles and he mutters.


"ZAYN!" Niall yells. Zayn! He's back! Zayn had gone to be with his family after X-Factor, his grandfather had passed away and he went to the funeral but he had to come back. Now he was back for good. Louis got off of me and walked to great Zayn. I followed him with Liam close behind.

"Louis! Aww! Why are you so down? Harold! Liam! I've missed you all so much!" Zayn shouted. He hugged each of us one by one and me and Niall helped with his bags. We pulled them to the living room where Zayn, Louis and Liam were sitting. Zayn was consoling Louis and Liam was too, an arm slung around him.

"I can't believe Eleanor broke up with you! You two were the perfect couple!" Zayn said. Louis began to cry again, sobbing, "I KNOW...thanks for reminding me mate." He sniffs sadly.

"It'll be alright mate. I promise. We're here for you, whenever you want to talk..."Zayn says. Louis nodded and wiped his face.

"Thanks Zayn. I think I'm going to head to sleep. Night." He said. He waved to us and we nodded.

"Night Boo!" I say. He turned around and smiled.

"Night Hazzabear." He turned and left disappearing into his room.

"The poor lad." Zayn said sadly. We all nodded, he stands up and stretches.

"I'm exhausted, thank you Niall for not eating all of the pizza, thank you lads for helping me with... you know..." He said. We nod and he takes his bags upstairs. I grab the last one and follow him. Once I reach his room I hand him the bag.

"Listen Zayn, I'm really glad you're back... We missed you, and if you ever want to talk... We're all here for you ok?" He nods and we hug.

"Thanks Harry." He says as we pull away.

"Night." I say.

"Night." He shuts the door and I leave the hall way. I walk into the living room and say good night to Liam and Niall.

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