Lost And Insecure You Found Me

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"HARRY IT'S YOUR NIGHT FOR THE DISHES!" Liam calls up the stairs. I sigh and get up off of Niall.

"Sorry boo, no kisses for now, duty calls!" Niall groans and gets up. I yell back to Liam, "COMING LI."

I hurry downstairs to the kitchen, I pass Louis and Zayn in the living room, both of them shooting me death glares, I shrug and flip them off. Whatever, Louis deserved the silent treatment, and why the fuck was Zayn on his side?! I head to the kitchen where Liam is busy cleaning the kitchen.

"You and Louis have to make up someday..." Liam groans. I shake my head.

"No we don't, and I don't think that we will." I say sternly. Liam sighs and puts down the dish rag. He faces me, his face tired and sad.

"Harry Edward Styles, you and Louis have been best friends for three years straight. You're going to let a little jealousy get in the way of that?"

"He tried to break me and Niall up Liam! He sabotaged Niall!"

"So what?! It didn't work! Just make up with him please! For the bands sake!"

"What BAND!" I yell. Liam stares at me sadly.

"I know I know... We're falling apart."

"Tell me about it. Zayn and Louis hate me and Niall, you don't give a flying fuck about me, you never talk to Niall anymore and you don't talk to Louis or Zayn, what are you? Too good for our drama? Is that it? You simply cant be bothered by our petty fights?"


"WHY? WHY LIAM?" I yell angrily, I inch towards him.

"BECAUSE I'M RIGHT?" I scream angrily.


"Oh come on Liam, that's not an excuse for not talking to your best mates!"

"Harry please don't.."

"Don't what? Don't ask you why your hurting us? Liam you're the leader of the group, you keep us sane, you keep us humble, and you keep us out of trouble! Why the hell aren't you FIXING THIS MESS??" I yell, my voice cracks and my lip begins to tremble slightly.

"WHO SAYS I EVER WANTED TO BE THE LEADER." Liam shouts, his voice so loud my ears begin to ring. I back away, I have to admit, I was fucking scared.

"What are you saying Liam.."

"I'm... I... I don't know Hazza.. I'm not strong enough.." He whimpers. I shake my head fiercely.

"Of course you are Li... What are you talking about??"

"I'm talking about me not being strong enough to lead anymore."

"What? Liam you're not making any sense right now!"

"I'm sick Harry."

"You're what?" My lip starts to quiver slightly.

"I'm sick. I'm really sick."

"Like... A cold?" I ask stupidly, obviously it wasn't a cold. My heart begins to race. "Liam.." I shake my head, tears forming in my eyes. "Liam please no.. Tell me you're lying.. Please Liam, you can't be.. You can't be sick..."

"It's bad Harry... It's really bad, I won't even..."


"Harry.. Please.. Don't tell them.."


"I can't have them knowing..." Liam trails off.

"No!" I shake my head furiously, "I can't keep something like this from them... They should know Liam.."

"Harry please.." Tears slip from my eyes, I shake my head angrily.

"H-How long Liam.."

"About six months.."


"Yes Harry.."

"That's not enough time Li.."

"It's what the doctors say.."




"Harry please don't fall apart on me now.... You have to step up, you're the only one strong enough."

"No..." I shake my head, tears drip from my eyes.

"Be brave and tell the boys that I love them when I'm gone."

"WHAT ABOUT NIALL. HE'S YOUR BEST MATE. WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO TELL HIM WHEN YOU...." Liam grabs me, clasping his hand over my mouth tightly,

"shhh" he whispers, he takes his hand away.

"..when you're gone."

"Tell him... that I love him, I love him so much more than he'll ever know and I know that you are with him but if I could just be with him one last time I would." Liam says quietly. My heart literally breaks. My dying best friend is in love with my boyfriend.

"I love you Liam, I will tell him, you have my absolute word that I will."

"I love you too Harry.. Now go, finish the dishes, I need to go rest."

"Okay.." He begins to walk out but I stop him first and hug him, I hug him tighter than I ever have in my life. "I am so sorry this is happening Liam, you don't deserve this, I love you so much please forgive me for everything I have ever put you through. I am going to miss you so much I can't imagine how hard its going to be for us." Liam pulls away and nods,

"I know Harry.."

"If you need me, I'm always here, anytime."

"I know..." He nods and I watch him leave the kitchen slowly, he walks upstairs and to his room. I crouch over the sink, my heart still racing. No, no, no, no, this can't be true, we really are falling apart. I can't contain it, "you have to be strong" the words Liam said echoed in my brain. I shake my head,

"I DON'T WANT TO BE STRONG.. I WANT YOU TO BE STRONG." I cry out angrily, I burst into tears, I sit on the kitchen floor and cry, I pull my knees up to my chest and sit on the floor sobbing.


Those Three Little WordsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon