I'm Gonna Pick Up The Pieces And Build A Better Band

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Thirteen Days Later.

"Liam!" I hear shouts, I'm sitting in my room getting dressed for our outing, we finally got to go out, we had to give a brief interview and then it was back to the house for two more weeks. I was putting on my pants when I heard Niall shrieking downstairs.

"LIAM OH MY GOD NO LIAM.." I hear him sob. No. No, this can't be happening, he had six more months. He couldn't be... My heart begins to pound and I rush out of my room, one pant leg on, the other dangling on the floor. I race downstairs, I burst into the living room, Liam's lying on the couch, Niall on his knees beside him, he's clutching Liam's hand. He's shaking his head and muttering incoherent things.

"Close your eyes Nialler.." My voice trembles, Liam's dying. He's dying right infront of his best mate. I rush to Niall and put my hand over his eyes. He screams and shakes his head,

"NO. NO HE CAN'T BE. WHATS WRONG WITH HIM. HARRY HE'S HARRY HELP HIM PLEASE HE'S DYING. NO HARRY HE CANT BE DYING MY BEST MATE, LIAM PLEASE, WAKE UP. WAKE UP LIAM!" Niall shouts loud, I pull him close and tight and cuddle him his head rests in the crook of my neck, my tears fall onto his bleach blond head. I shake my head.

"No.. NO this can't be for real.. He had six months.. Six months.." I stare at Liam's lifeless body. Niall sobs into my chest, his whole body shaking, he's breaking my heart. I knew I should've just told him. I hug him tighter and tigher with every sob. I sob too, my best friend, Niall's best friend, our leader, our Daddy Direction, our puppy, our LiLi, was dying, right in front of my eyes and there was nothing I could do about it. "NOOOOOOOO!" I yell, it was loud. I fall too my knees, Niall coming down with me, we collapse in a heap on the floor sobbing.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON FUCKERS." Louis shouts as he walks through the living room doors. I look at his smug face, and as he spots Liam, his smirk vanishes. "What... No." He rushes to Liam, his fingers drifting to Liam's neck to find a pulse. "No, no, he had... he had six months! NO! NO. ZAYN!!! GET DOWN HERE NOW!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2013 ⏰

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