Starting Over With No Labels.

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The plane ride was long. We slept most of the way but the parts of the flight that we weren't sleeping we were eating, checking twitter, reading.. Well actually Liam was reading and we were making fun of him for it.

"What I don't get is that we have to go to sort our shit.. We don't have any issues.."

"I know right?" I agree.

"Just think of it as a break from life as one direction.." Zayn smirks. I grin.

"I like the sound of that actually... Not being famous, not having to worry about what I look like or what I say and do... Not being judged by anyone."

"Sounds amazing.." Niall groans.

It seems like an eternity before we land. As soon as we do we take off for the- wait what. The plane landed in the middle of no where. Sure there was a landing strip, a small airport and trees. A small black car honked at us and we headed for it. Once we got in it took off.

"Where are we going?" A voice replies,

"To your private cabin. Your bags are there and you have enough food to last you a week. We'll bring more later."

"Okay.. So we will be stuck in the cabin and we can't leave at all?" I ask worried.

"Yep." I was beginning to hate this idea.

"For how long?"

"I told you, three weeks."

"Oh." I don't know what else to say so I stay quiet until we get to the cabin. It's gigantic, big glass windows, wood flooring, stainless steal appliances. The lot! We go crazy for a bit, running from room to room.

"HARRY! Come here!" I can hear Niall shout. Anxiously I head to the sound of his voice. I enter a large room where Niall stands. "Can you shut the door?"

"Um yeah.." I reply nervously. He motions for me to come over to where he's standing. He takes my hand in his own, massaging my palm with his thumb. I can feel a shiver run up my spine. He places his other hand on my back and pulls me close. Umm what was going on here? My heart races, my face is beginning to heat up.

"Don't be shy Harry. It's just me." He says softly. Niall brings his finger up to my temple and runs it down my face to my lips. My body erupts in shivers. What the hell? "Come here Harry." Niall says quietly. I lean in and he leans in. Our lips touch, he traces the hem line of my shorts tugging slightly. He swipes his tongue on my bottom lip and I instantly grant him access. I'm not thinking straight, I pull off my shirt and shorts. What the hell am I doing? Niall kisses down my chest. Why am I letting him do this?!

"I want you now Harry." He moans. I finally speak up.

"Why now?" I ask confused, this behavior is not like Niall.

"Because I'm horny and I want sex, with you, now." He takes off his shirt. I shake my head and bite my lip.


"What? I thought you liked me? Now we can get what we want, you like me, I want sex and Liam won't put out!" Niall whines.

"WHAT THE FUCK NIALLER. What the hell do you think I am?! A little skank who will sleep with anyone who lets them? You're trying to use me." I yell, I am so angry I can't contain myself. I shake my head. "No, no Nialler. I can't believe you'd do this."

"Well believe it! This is the new me!" Niall protests. I shake my head.

"No, no this isn't the new you.. Because if this is the new you then I'm out."

"Out? What do you mean? You don't like me anymore?" Niall asks worriedly.

"Not if you keep this up." I say dryly.

"B-but Harry, don't you want me?"

"Not like this, Niall there was a reason that I liked you. You're innocent, you watch Teletubbies in your onesie on Saturday mornings. You eat five bowls of cereal, you don't work out. You're Normal! And I love that about you!"

"But Louis said.."

"Louis said what?"

"He said that you liked sluts and that this would turn you on?"

"I never said that. I never said that." I repeat myself. I had just had a conversation like this with Louis the other day. "I specifically told him that I hated that and that it was the biggest turn off!"

"Then why?" Niall begins. I shake my head and bite my lip.

"I know."

"You do?"

"Yeah.. And so will you and the lads at dinner, just you wait."

|| d i n n e r ||

"Great food Harry." Niall chirps, the house is dead silent.

"Thanks Niall, hey Louis, so I was thinking, since you seem to be a good liar and all...." Louis stops me there.

"What the hell are you talking about Haz.." He sets his fork down frowning. I cock my head to the side and smirk.

"Oh so you already forgot?"

"Forgot what Harry?"

"Oh you told Niall that I liked sluts and that it would turn me on? And I remember having a conversation with you a couple days back, I recall saying that I hated that?"

"Can we please talk about this in private Harr-"

"No, no we can't. Why'd you tell Niall that Louis? Oh wait! I know! You don't wan him with me, you want to be with me. Oh yeah.."

"Shut up Harry, just shut the fuck up!" Louis gets up quick, his chair falls over and he leaves the room. Liam and Niall are staring wide- eyed, Zayn looks ticked off,

"That was uncalled for Harry."

"No, I don't really think it was. That fag almost ruined my relationship with Niall." Zayn got up, glaring at me.

"Umm what was that all about?" Liam bursts.

"Well earlier stuff happened and Louis set me up to make Harry mad at me.."

"This shit is getting so old. I'm done with it! Just figure things out and stop hurting each other! Liam yells. He gets up and storms out of the dining room.

I turn to face Niall.

"So I've been thinking.. Can we start over?"

"What do you mean?" Niall asks confused.

"I mean lets start over, forget everything that happened in the past. Lets start with a clean slate, with no labels."

"Sounds good Harry."


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