I Know What I Want From You

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"Harry you ready?"

"Yeah yeah just give me a second." I holler from the bathroom. I rinse my wrist and throw away the razor.

Okay.. So I cut myself. And I know most of you are freaking out. Maybe some of you know. Maybe you feel the same pain I do. Maybe you know why I do this, maybe you're doing it right now. Maybe you don't know. Maybe you don't know the kind of pain I'm in. Maybe you've never felt this sort of stress, pressure, anxiety. For me it was a release. A release of everything. When I cut, all of my worries go down the drain with my blood. Okay.. Gross image I know.. Sorry.


"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT BE DOWN IN A SECOND!" I shout back. I look at myself one last time in the mirror and then leave. I go downstairs and get in the car. As soon as I shut the door we take off. I attempt to make small talk with the boys.

"So.. How is everybody doing?"

No answer. Okay then, I'll just be quiet.

The car ride seemed like it lasted years. Liam was the first one out, dashing into the arena. Throughout the ride that he was a little upset but I couldn't tell if it was at me and the guys or that he'd lost his stuffed teddy. Maybe I should just tell him it was in the freezer by the ice cream. I chuckled slightly. And then Louis and Zayn rushed to the arena. Next me and Niall dashed in.

"Phew! No mobs this time!" I panted. Niall nodded and grinned.

"So.. I know what I want from you.."

"Oh.. Okay.. What?"


"I alrea-"

"Apologize to me in front of the fans.. Then we're even Haz.."

"Okay.. So do you want me to say that I called you.. That name?" Niall shakes his head rapidly.

"No.. Just say you're sorry and you want us to be back to the way we used to be. And say that you wished none of this ever happened.."

"None of what?"

"This whole thing.. Please don't make me say it.. It's too horrible for me to even think." I nod.

"Okay.. Don't worry Niall. And when I apologize I'll mean every word of it because truthfully I do. And I am sorry and I love you Niall. You're like my brother." He nods and grins.

"Okay.. Lets do this Hazza!" He hugs me and a shiver runs up my spine. We pull apart and he grabs my wrists.

"GOD DAMN IT SHIT." I cry out biting my tongue. He grabbed my wrists so tightly. He let go as soon as I yelled.

"What? What!"

"Oh.. I bit my tongue again." I lied.

"Oh .. I feel ya bro. I hate that!"

"Yeah it really sucks.."

"You ready for the concert?!"

"I'm pretty pumped Ni!"

"Lets do this!"

[ c o n c e r t. t i m e. y a a a a y ]

"So I have an apology to make.." The fans went wild. I waited until they calmed down. "So I said a few things to one of my best mates... Niall. I said these words out of hate, anger, and frustration. And I really hurt him a lot. I hurt him so much that we stopped talking. We ignored each other. We treated each other like crap." I sniffed, and wiped my burning eyes. "I want to apologize Nialler. I am so...." I couldn't stop it. It came out, the tears they were just too much. "I am s-so sorry. I never want to fight with you again. And I want things to go back to the way they used to be." The fans screamed and me and Niall hugged.

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