To Gay Or Not To Gay Is It A Question

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I came home to a house full of shouts.


"Louis I swear... I didn't."

"Boys, boys, settle down!"

I look around, the living room is empty, so they must be in the kitchen. I burst through the door,

"What the hell's going on in here!" I shout angrily, this better be good because I am in no mood for petty arguments.

"It's nothing Haz.."

"NO! It's not nothing!" Louis proclaims.

"Well then what is it?" I shout.

"Nothing! Louis please.. Can we talk about this later?" I turn to Liam, as much as I hate him right now he might know what's going on. He shake his head as if reading my mind and shrugs.

"Hey Harry, where's Ni?" He asks softly.

"Hospital, he want's you. He's sick and he needs someone he cares about, obviously it's not me." I spat, Liam's eyes widen,


"DON'T YOU DARE LECTURE ME LIAM, DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE! YOU HAVE NO FUCKING ROOM TO TALK ABOUT THE WELL BEING OF NIALL! FOR GODS SAKE YOU BEAT HIM EVERYTIME HE DOES SOMETHING THAT YOU DON'T LIKE, YET HE STILL CHOSES YOU. I DON'T FUCKING CARE ANYMORE. I DON'T." Okay, so I explode, but it just wasn't fair, I was Niall's best friend, I was sweet to him, I took care of him because I didn't want to see him get hurt. And him choosing Liam over me was like a slap in the face. I couldn't take it anymore, I felt like I was going to burst into tears at any second and I didn't want to cry in front of the lads, especially not Liam. I ran out of the room as the hot tears hit my cheeks, I stumbled up the stairs, blinded by the blurry salty tears in my eyes. I burst into my room, throwing myself on my bed, and then I let it all out.

I cried myself to sleep that night, I just couldn't stop the tears from falling, I hated it, I felt out of control, vulnerable almost. I spent most of the day in my room sulking, by two in the afternoon I knew I had to come down and face the lads. I decided to shower first though, prolonging my grand entrance. I did not want to see Liam and Niall together it just hurt to much. I hated it, I hated them. After my shower I quickly changed and faced myself in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy, they looked terrible. I also had this tired feeling, the feeling of drowsy, depressed, sadness. I looked downright pathetic, and I knew that once I faced the boys they would know that I'd been crying. Exactly what I didn't want. I heaved a huge sigh that shook my entire diaphragm. "Come on Hazza, man up and just face them. The sooner the better." I mumbled. "Let's go."

As I stumbled downstairs I could hear faint whispers. Oh god please don't let that be Niall and Liam whispering dirty gross things to each other. I peered around the corner to see Zayn's familiar quaff of chocolate brown hair and Lou's mousy brown messy hair.

"I'm telling you Z, Harry's in love!"

"What no way! Not with.." Lou nods somewhat sadly.

"Yep, Niall."

WHAT? OH HELL NO. This shocks me so much that I trip and fall, sliding down the stairs, luckily I land on my free hand, you know the one that wasn't in a cast from Niall falling on it.

"OH... Harry! Hey there.. You... you didn't hear that.."

"It was actually the cause of my fall, shocked me that you two would think that. I don't love Niall."

"Ah, you see your brain thinks that but your heart knows the real truth... You're in love Harry." Lou coos. I shake my head, no.

"No.. No fucking way! I'm not gay! Or Bi or anything else but straight. I like girls, I love girls!"

Those Three Little WordsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz