I Stopped Caring

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"Haha, you're funny Zayn."

"No I'm not joking Haz. He told me! Right after he and Ellie broke up. He's in love with you and you're really hurting him bad."

"How so?"

"By being with Nialler 24/7."

"And you're not just saying this to ruin my friendship with Lou?"

"Harry he told me!"

"Why didn't he tell me?"

"Who knows... He's probably scared Haz."

"Why would he be scared?"

"It's not easy to tell someone that you're in love with them Harry!"

"I know I know.. But I mean, we're best mates. He should be able to tell me anything."



"Seems like you get everything, the girls, the guys... Everything." Zayn sighs.

"That's not true Zayn. Come on that's not fair of you to say that.."

"Oh and why not?"

"Because... Just because! Maybe if you were more outgoing then.."

"Then what?"


"Then I can be a man whore like you? No thanks." Now that did sting a little. Actually, a lot. I felt tears rush to my stinging eyes.

"Wow, if this is what you're like ugh everyone than no wonder you can't get any girls or guys.." I spat, I get up and storm up the stairs. It been a long night and I just want to sleep it all away. I wipe the tears from my eyes, making my way to my room. I turn off my light and collapse on my bed.

'Man whore like you? No thanks' tears flooded my face and my pillow was soon soaked. I hadn't cried this hard since my parents divorce. My body shook, I gulped and sniffed.


Louis... Crap I'd forgotten that he wanted to talk.

"Can I come in? Please baby, let me in. What's wrong?"

"Fine." I sniffle. The door opens and light floods my dark room, Lou shuts the door and makes his way to my bed.

"Oh Hazzabear, what's wrong?"

"It's n-nothing Lou, I'm okay."

"That's a lie and we both know it Haz, you can tell me anything.. What is it?"


"What about Zayn dear?"

"H-he called me... Man whore.. I'm not, I'm.. I'm not a m-man whore Lou.. I'm n-not.."

"Oh Harry! I'm sorry! Zayn can be such a prick sometimes. You are most certainly not a man whore." Lou wrapped his arms around my torso, hugging tightly.

"I love you boo."

"I....I love y-you too Hazza."

We fell asleep like that, Lou's arms wrapped around me. His body was warm and it gave such a comfort, I could almost cry. I wanted to ask him about what Zayn said, and if it were true or not. I'm not really sure how I'd feel if he actually did like me, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't. He has a girlf- wait.. They broke up. But he was in love with Ellie. But he never really gave a reason that they broke up. He just said that he wasn't "good enough"

"Mmmh.. Hazza, yeah baby." Oh hell no! I sat up, tearing his arms off me. I had to get to the bottom of this. I grabbed my phone and left my room.

I took the stairs two by two, my heart racing. I felt a cold sweat coming on. Was Louis really having having 'that' dream about me?

"Oh, morning Harry!" Niall shouts.

"Uh huh." I mutter, without thinking I grab my keys and head to the garage.

"Harry!!! Wait! Where are you going?"


"But where?"

"I just said out Ni."

"But Hazza..."


Niall was silent, he stared at me sadly. I started to apologize but he shook his head, he put his hand out to stop me.

"No... N-no Harry.. NO! You can not talk to me like that!!!! Not you!! First Louis, then Zayn and now Liam! You can't talk t-to me like that.." Niall burst into tears. I felt absolutely horrid.

"Buddy.. I'm.. I-I'm sorry." Niall covered his face with his hands, shaking his head.

"I used to like living with you boys, now it's just like home.. A burning pit of fucking hell, and I can't do this Harry I really can't. I need you." He sobs. My heart breaks at his words, '...just like home.. A burning pit of fucking hell...'

"N-Niall... I didn't know.. I can't.. I'm sorry boo..." I grasped him tightly, hugging him with all my strength.

"I'm so sorry boo. I'm so so so sorry.. Please forgive me, I didn't mean it." He sputtered something,

"I forgive you Haz.."

"I love you so much Nialler, don't you ever forget that boo."

"I won't, and I love you too."

"Come on," I say, "lets get you some ice cream, then we can shop for food." Niall smiles, I hold out my hand and he takes it great fully.

^at mall^

"So what kind of ice cream do you want Nialler?"

"The cold kind."

"Well they're all cold."

"Okay.. Then all of them." Niall laughs, his voice was soft, weaker than usual. He bent over starting to cough. I watched as his body shook and he tumbled to the floor, he was clutching his chest tightly.

"H-Harry please.. H-help me.. I can't.. I can't breath.." I drop to my knees,

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh what do I do? HELP! Somebody help! My friend .. He can't breath!"


"So what happened again?" I ask, shaking.

"Mr. Horan is very sick, it seems he has pneumonia. He's very strong and he'll be alright. But something doesn't add up, his heart.. "

"What? What about his heart?"

"Nothing to be concerned its just, it seems there was some kind of poison in his blood stream.. From the test results it was probably something he'd eaten about three or four days ago. Has he been eating and chicken or egg product?"

"W-well we made a cake... And sort of maybe didn't cook it, we threw it at each other.. Oh my god this is all my fault. I can't believe this. I made him sick?"

"It's not your fault.

"Yeah... Yes!! Yes it is."

"Mr. Styles."

"Harry... It's Harry."

"Right, well it's not your fault. You can see Niall when ever."

I nod and leave the lobby.

"Hey Nialler.."

"Harry, hey."

"How are you feeling Buddy?"

"I'm alright.. Hungry."

"Of course you are."

"When can I leave?"

"Whenever you like boo."

"Now? Liam will be worried."

I tense, seriously he's bringing Liam up? I clench my jaw angrily.

"Well maybe I should go and Liam can come up and get you since you're so worried about him."

"Harry please... Don't be that way with me.. I am with Liam not you.."

"Uh I never said that I liked or had those feelings for you ever and I never will. Trust me Niall I stopped caring a while ago."

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