Redstoner II and The theory about Ross

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Okay, I know I don't do many of these posts, where it's not a story, but this has been on my mind all day. 

Recently, I've been watching more of Ross' (House_owner) videos and one series that really interests me is his redstoner series. And the reason they interest me is because of the messages that flash across the screen every now and then. I've noticed too that they change. Some are a blue background and white text (or the other way around), and the others are red text with a black background. The pattern with these is that the blue ones seem to be supportive messages, like they're encouraging him to fight something, but the red texted ones are more sinister and seem to be- almost controlling him. The text definitely tells some very evil things, and it does seem to make him do things to his friends or whoever's in the video with him. Just take a look for yourself, I'll mark which is which for you

In the first video, three of the messages have been deciphered, all of them being red

(red): It has been far too long
(red): My freedom will bring about the end of days
(red): all those who chose to not follow me will meet their end

(thanks Sadey Gilliam for the translations!) 

Creepy, I know. And there are so many other subtle hints in there that something's happening. But as the series goes on, they only get creepier.

In the second Redstoner II episode, the landmine ones, there are five in total (I think) and again all are by the red text. 

(Red): Hello Ross,  I believe it's time we talk
(red): Do not be afraid, just close your eyes
(red): Who am I you ask? 
(red): There's no reason to worry
(red): It will all be over soon

(thanks Naturally Fangirl for getting it!) 

and towards the end, we can hear Ross whispering "he's finally gone, he's finally gone" to himself. Things aren't looking to good for Ross right now. 

Video 3, with Owkward Industries, is the trapcraft mod. Again, these are all said by the red text. 

(red): why do you keep your eyes closed?
(red): Is it because you are you are not happy? 
(red): What will make you happy Ross? 
(red): allow me to help you, and you shall become happy
(red): so that is why you keep your eyes closed
(red): then do as I say and you shall never have to open your eyes again
(red): you have nothing to worry about 

(thank you Crazy muffin (tittat2004) for figuring it out!)

There are several times that Ross pauses as well, and the cut scene at the end that's of a hallway makes me think whatever has control of Ross, may have trapped him somewhere in his own mind as it uses him to kill off his friends. 

Anyways, onto #4. It starts out with the hallway again, and I revise my statement before. I think ROSS had whatever it is that's talking to him, trapped. Not the other way around like I said before. Here are the messages, all red once again.

(red): is this world not good enough for you?
(red): this is the freedom you wanted, is it not?
(red): I am only making this world better for you
(red): Know your place child. These demons are not as kind as I 
(red): I warned you
(red): (this last one is a photo of Shelby made to look really creepy. I'm just taking other people's word for it because I couldn't get it to stop at the right time and gave up on that one) 

(thank you TheVengefulDonut for taking the time to figure it out)

It's at this point I think the thing has broken out, and taken control of Ross. From how annoyed it sounds too, Ross seems to be fighting back as well. Keep going Ross! 

Now, Redstoner #5, the soul shard one, seems to be the creepiest yet in my opinion. He talks backwards a lot more than he used to. So, be prepared. Also, I couldn't find what the first backwards message was. 

(red): Do you taunt me by saying my name? 
(red): you are only alive because I allow you to live! 
(red): what makes you think you are in control
(backwards speaking): "ahh on false reality you set for your self is crumbling at your feet! You can not handle the consequences of your actions so you chose to eliminate! Anything that changes your mind! Soon you will open your eyes and face the hell that you created! Time is running you!" 
(red): (a demon looking picture pops up around five times as he's saying this and one after)
(red): You finally see! I can do what I want when I want! 
(red): If you dare try and challenge me again
(red): your family wont even be safe from you
(red): (another picture of Shelby, but not demonic. It is foreshadowing this time)

(thank you thank you again Crazy Muffin (tittat2004)! You're doing great!) 

Redstoner #6 all red once again

(red): You really don't know when to quit
(red): I am the one who is trying to help you
(red): Regardless of what happens it will all be looped
(red): you can't change the fate of this world
(red): This is your fate. This is your life. This is your hell
(red): keep those damn eyes closed
then there is a cut to Ross walking down a dark hallway behind the door previously mentioned (again, I revise my statement and think he's the one trapped) next to him is a creepy picture of some eyeballs or something watching him
Next flashes a creepy picture of Sky/Adam 
(red): I see you are going to attempt this once again
(red): every time you learn the truth it all just resets
(red): the end is coming and you are the reason
And lastly another creepy picture of Shelby but this time with her face scribbled out

(thank you Rosie Beenham on youtube for figuring this all out) 

Now! Redstoner #7, the latest in the series, Guess who's accompanying Ross? Shelby. He seems to be pausing a lot more and acting out more than usual Ross does. This is also the first video with the Blue text I mentioned earlier. Here are the messages.

(Blue): Ross can you hear me? 
(Blue): You have to fight it Ross! I can't loose you again!
(red): Your soul is already damned to the red sun. Quit trying to fight me
(red): You will do as I say and continue as planned
(blue): You came so close last time, I know your soul is still there! 
(red): you will listen to me and only me! 
(blue): Do not listen to him Ross! We can put an end to him once and for all! 
(Red): I grow tired of these games child!
(Blue): We can escape this nightmare together! You aren't trapped, fight it! 
(red): Hell is your home now!
(red): Their lives do not matter!
(Blue): Please don't do this ross...
(red): Die!
(blue): I know your soul is in there somewhere Ross.. I won't stop trying..
(red): The end is upon us Ross! 
(red): your soul is forever taped!
(red): And now that you have finally given up
(red): I think it is time to open your eyes

The last backwards message goes: "You are one of the problems, the time to reset is upon us. Not you nor anyone else will get in my way. This timeline will be your end, the hell in which I bring will be incomparable to anything you've known. One more missing link and it will be all over soon. The red sun will never set. 

(Thank you Kate Tulio and Tina Wilburn for the picture translations and Daghettopanda VA for the backward message translation) 

Thinking of it now, I believe the thing controlling ross isn't the red sun like everyone seem to think it is, but rather one of his evil other selves. If we think back to the roommates skit where Jin built the dimension machine and Ross had all his other selves, I think maybe one is trying to take over Ross and make the 'red sun' the leader. Maybe that's what he called himself, but that's my theory. The blue text could either be Sky, as a lot of people are thinking, or I think it might be everyone he's killed (or gotten rid of) so far. There's a good possibility it could be something or someone else though. Many things are left in the open so far. 

I think later on in the series, we're going to be up for a huge surprise from Ross. Either way, I hope this was interesting to at least a few people, and everyone should definitely give this series of Ross' a go. It's cool, it's creepy, and it'll make you sit back and think. 

(maybe it's a mix of Undertale, Gravity Falls, and Murder all in one) 


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