Messing with your feels

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A/N So, I've had this idea for a while but I can't put it in any of the books. yet. This will get sad so any with uncontrolable feels should not read. That was the warning so none of you can get mad and say I didn't warn you.


He ran through the night. It was clear, not a cloud in the sky to block the full moon but he wasn't out to look at the scenery. No, it was a different reason. A more important reason. His vision blurred for a moment as tears started to flow out.

"Crap" he stopped and whipped them away with the back of his hand. "I cant be going soft now" he muttered as he started running again. It wasn't long before he reached his destination. The graveyard. He slowed to a walk and entered, tears gathering again as he walked towards on grave in particular. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't save you" The man said as he knelt down to brush away the vines that had started climbing up the face of the tomb stone. The grave yard was utterly silent, not a mob could be heard. They made sure to stay away.

Here lies a faithful Leader

Loving Daughter, wife and mother

She went by many names. All of which shall be remembered.

Crystal Brine


The man stood back up, turned and left without another word, leaving only one thing behind to tell of his visit.

A single yellow flower.


A./N and now you can kill me. I know, I know. I'm sorry but I really have no excuse. I warned you at the beginning and yes, there are some hints in here for the story but its only if you look closely. Again, sorry for anyone who broke down crying. Well,

SEE YA Foxes who now want to kill me!

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