Chapter 13

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"Hello?" I asked groggily. "Hayyyyy GIRL!" "Jen you're drunk." "And you're sexy. Tehe. Listen Alex I'm sooooooooo hammered I need- need you- you to pic- pick me up." Jen hiccped. Fucking A man! "Alright. I'll be there in twenty." I said dragging myself out of Jen's bed. I got on some yoga pants and a T-shirt that was two sizes bigger than my body and slipped on some flip flops and was on my way.

"And ohhhhhhhh I'm alive. I'm alive. I'm alive." I heard the Justin Bieber song playing a block away from the destination. These poor neighbors.

I slipped out of my car and started walking because there was no more room to park. around the house. Big party I guess? As I was walking I realized I was holding my baby bump. I don't know if it's some mother thing to do while being pregnant but I've caught myself doing this a lot.

As I made it up to the front of the house I saw teenage drunks dry humping each other to Usher's song and some guys in corner doing the puff puff pass with a joint. And Kady Debolt puking her guts out in a bush. Someone obviously can't hold their liquor.

I finally made it to the door and when I was about to open it I saw Ryder walk out with a tramp clinging to his side. "Well lookie here. Hey aren't you not supposed to be drinking." He said smirking. "Obviously I mean you don't see me in some tramp uniform. Has it came to mind that I may be her to pick up someone?" "let me guess your side kick left you so she could go party." "What's that supposed to mean?" I said crossing my arms.

"It means your friend ditched you and is getting tired of taking care of you." "Oh really and now why is that." I was shouting now. I am beyond livid. I am cranky and he is making it worse. He thinks he knows my friend better than me, well I'm about to prove him wrong. "Hello! Look around she left you to go to a fucking party!" "That doesn't mean anything. She's a cheerleader, she's supposed to go to these things." "Right so that's it huh." 'Look why don't you move so I can go find her." "Or what? Let me guess you'll threaten to get a DNA test so you can make a fool of yourself again!" Oh no. He can't he just can't. Please don't say anything. Please don't say anything. "Why would she get a DNA test?" This stupid bitch I swear.

"I'll tell you Abby. ALEX HERE IS PREGANT!" He yelled out at the top of his lungs. Fucking A. When he yelled that I walked out of the house. I hope Jen gets the clue to just come meet me at the end of the block. "Hey Alex I can be your baby daddy!' I heard someone shout from the crowd that formed to watch me willow in pity. "Alex wait up!" Jen hiccupped. I turned around with tears spilling out of my eyes to wait for Jen to hurry her ass when Ryder yelled, "THE KID"S NOT MINE ALEX!" I flipped him off and rushed Jen and I out of this party scene.

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