Chapter 3- Falling for him

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I wake up to comfortable warmth. I first it felt right until, I realize I'm not alone in bed. I get up and see Natsu. His arms are wrap around my waist and his face is on my back. I groan in irritation. I take his arms off me not roughly but not nicely either. I roll my eyes and nicely pat his head. I go into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I wrap my towel around my body and another with my hair. I get out and see Natsu stretching and yawning.

"Oh hey Natsu," I say with a straight face. He refocus and sees me. He starts to check me out.

"Perv!" I yelled at him. Throwing my bracelet at him. He groan in pain as I go and grab my bracelet.

"That what you get for checking me out," I said as I reach for my bracelet.

"It not my fault really," He say as I feel his body close to mine and his arm reaching the same place as mine except he holds my hand. I raised a eyebrow and push him away and grab my bracelet.

"I'm gonna go get dress, you go and get ready for school," I huff and walk towards the room I slept in. I went into the closet. Grab a blue converse decorate with bubbles. Black socks decorates with some saying. Then some crop top and jeans that went to my thighs.

"Oooh Hot," I hear Natsu. I scoff and walk right pass him. So I flush a little. He was shirtless again. Also was in a towel. Anyways, he terrible, cocky, arrogant, stupid, jerk, and a playboy. He wasting his time anyways. I ain't falling for this one. I go to my garage and jump into a yellow type car. Then the passenger seat was open.

"What are you doing?" I ask in a irritated tone.

"Aww come on, I have no car," He says. I roll my eyes and start to back up the car. I then check my mirrors and the rear mirror. I am so scared sometimes that I may hit a car. I slowly start to drive. Then I speed up.

"Yo, what the heck!?!" He says freaking out. That just made me smirk.

"Your fault!" I yelled. Then I make a hard turn into the school. Then I see Natsu hair messed up and his face was priceless. I took my phone out and took a pic. He glared at me. I couldn't stop laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want," He says. I park the car after laughing hysterically. I got out still laughing and Natsu rolling his eyes. Then I felt a arm around me. I look to my side and see Gray.

"Someone happy?" He says. I try to hold in my laugh but the memory come back and I can't help but laugh.

"Aww come on, stop laughing," Natsu says with irritation in his tone. I giggled and look at Gray.

"Well may we get to know each other more?" Gray smirks. I smirk back and push him.

"Yeah let's get to know each other," I say while grabbing Natsu's and Gray's arm. I smiled and they groan. I smile in satisfaction. I drag the two into their homeroom. Natsu was with me and Gray was in the one across. Natsu attempt to grab my ass but I smack it away.

"Nice try," I whisper in his ear. He grind his teeth.


It was lunch and I went to the roof. Not wanted to be notice. I grab my lunch and drank some water. I sigh, watching the view. The birds flying around, acting like lovebirds, the guys and girls hanging around and teachers discussing business. I smiled and look up in the sky.

"What a view, huh?" A voice says. I shriek in surprise but only to see that it was just Loke.

"Loke you scared me," I say. He sat down next to me and my heart started to race. Why? What is this funny feeling?

"Lucy, why are you so tense?" He says putting a hand behind my back. Patting on the back. I don't know why but I feel very funny right now.

"I-i don't know," I replied. This time he scoots over moving my body closer to him. My heart racing like crazy. It hasn't race like this since I was little and I met that funny boy.

"Calm down," He whispers in my ear. I felt the uneasiness go away. Maybe Loke the boy I'm looking for. Maybe I should open it.

I grab the locket that was around my neck and tried to open it. It wouldn't budge. "Loke can you open this," I hold up the locket. Loke looked at me and tried to open it as well. It didn't budge. I shrug it off.

"What in there anyways?" He asks. I shrug my shoulder. "Then why did you need me to open it?" I smiled and said it was nothing of a big deal. He nods and then grin.

"Let go," He says as soon the bell rings. He stick his hand out and I took it. I got up and we parted once we got to the second floor. I wave goodbye and he waved back.

I think I'm in love with Loke Lion.


Oh no she not gonna like him. Nalu forever girl! It kind of cute I did ship it at first because I was new to all the anime thing but now Nalu!!!! #nalu Anyways I hoped you like the story so far.

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