Chapter 12-I miss you

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I walk through rooms to rooms. I get into my car. My life is such a wreck. Why couldn't I just stay the way I was? Why couldn't I just stay away from here? Why didn't I just ditch her place? I wish I never barged into her house and slept in her place and ugh. I wish I never met her. My life was better without her. I should've shown the love she deserved. I should've been there for her when she needed it. What went wrong that day? How did I get trick? I should've tell that was Lisanna in the first place. 

"Man Natsu, I hope your okay,"

I finally got the courage to read my phone but all I found was this from Gajeel. Ugh, I hate this. I drive around to places I've been with Lucy.


"Natsu, Why won't you leave me alone?" I stared at her gorgeous face.

"Because I like you," I tease her. I see her face turn red and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're so mean, don't lie to me like that," Lucy pout. I get on top of her.

"Who said I was joking?" I look down at her. She looks at me with surprise. Her hand is on my chest and her legs trapped. Makes me want to do stuff I shouldn't do.

"Natsu, get off, people are watching," I slowly get off of her. We sat there in silence.

"Let's go," We said at the same time. We both laughed.


"Natsu, come on let's go inside," She complains.

"I'm tired, just go order and bring it here," I  replied in a grumpy but sleepy tone.

"Natsu, natsu, natsu," She starts to call my name repeatedly.

"Fine, Fine, you win, let's go," I put on my shirt and we both walk inside IHOP. We ordered and look for a place to sit.

"This is so delicious!" She gaze at the stack of pancake. She already cut it and so she took like a column already, while I'm here just eating the a bunch of pancake with syrup on top of it, along with eggs and bacons.

"Can I have one bacon," Once I heard her halfway I already pulled away my plate away from her. She huffs. She was so cute, I sneak a bacon to her. When she look down, she smiled and ate her breakfast.


"Natsu!" I rush upstairs and see Lucy on the floor.

"Lucy," I look at her leg and saw her foot bleed. I took off my shirt and tap on it a little. After I had to remove the glass from the broken glass vase. It not that big but it wasn't small either. Everytime I touch it, she winces. I was too afraid to harm her.

"Natsu, I'm fine, just please pull the dang glass out please," I try to breathe and once I had the confidence to pull out the glass. I look at Lucy only to hold her foot in pain. I rush to one of her cabinet and try to find the First Aid Kit. Once I found it, I grab the bandages and wrapped it around Lucy's foot. I look up at Lucy's face and to find her crying stopping. I pull her into a hug, trying to comfort her.

"Thank you Natsu," I smiled.

//Flashback Ends//

I walk around the house thinking about the memories we've done and the memories that we could've done. Walked out of the house, knowing she's going to come and yell at me for 'breaking in' her house. Life sucks, life takes my love away from me to punish me for all the mistakes I have made. I don't know if I deserve this punishment, I mean you can take away my car, money, and even my phone but please don't take away Lucy away from me. Lucy is my everything, the one that can bring happiness, joy, sadness, anger, but love all at once and without her I may die. I may lose my mind, soul, or even my heart. Lucy is my everything that people just can't imagine. My life may end, no, my life did end once Lucy said those words. 

"Do I know you?"

My life went down. I don't think I can live without her. As I walk slowly up on my porch, I look up to the sky which was now dark.

"Son, come in, it's time to sleep," I told him okay and walk slumpy to my bedroom. Yay, today is my luckiest day. I sigh in sorrow. Walking the steps of despair. I threw my lazy body onto my bed as I close my eyes.


Hey Long time no see. I'm still wondering if anyone is even reading but oh wellz. Still trying to get some creative minds up in here but let's just say I'm sorry that Lucy got to a accident and maybe some parts don't make sense but I'll try to make the story more interesting. Thanks.


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