Chapter 7-Heartbroken

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Everyone been acting weird around one another.

"What wrong?" I yelled ending the awkward silence.

"Thanks to Lucy she said mean things about us to the boys," Levy frowned.

"Yeah Also she made us uncomfortable to these 'non-virgins'," He quoted.

"We are virgins!" Juvia yells. Everyone was shocked because Juvia is usually the silent and happy type.

"Lucy was acting as if she could do anything, we trust her with our secrets and she put them into lies!" She started to complain.

"And this all happen yesterday?" I ask. They all nodded well not Juvia she was still ranted. Gray goes over there and comfort her.

"It wasn't Lucy yesterday tho," They all look at me like I was crazy.

"I'm serious, Lucy would never do those things, right?" I asks. They all look at one another and then the guilt came.

"Oh my lord, she was with Lisanna in the morning," Those words scared me. It lunch already and two more hours till the school ends but that was 5 hours ago. What happen between those 5 hours while we didn't know this.

"Natsu!" I see Lisanna. She looks harmed. I sigh in relief that Lucy took care of her but then where is Lucy?

"Lisanna where Lucy?" I tower over her.

"I don't know, I just know she left school after being yelled at Juvia," She smirked. I punch her in the stomach.

"Don't you dare smile about that because you still lose," I whisper in her ear. I started running. I suddenly bump into someone.

"Watch where you going!" I look up and see Gajeel.

"Gajeel why weren't you at lunch?" He freeze up.

"Gajeel why weren't you at lunch?" I froze. He doesn't know, does he. I know everything. I knew it before him. Lisanna was behind that crappy mask so I have to wait till everything is settled. But receiving this isn't gonna make Natsu happy.

I was walking minding my own business. I see Lucy crying on her motorcycle while Natsu stop kissing Lisanna and push her away.

He jump on the motorcycle and chase after Lucy. Lisanna smirks as he leaves. She got up and mumbled something but I heard just fine.

I walk to my friends and everyone was messed up. The boys wouldn't even looked at the girls. But you can't only blame the boys, the girls are doing the same.

"Gajeel do you hate me as well?" Levy came to me. I bent down. And grin the same old same old.

"I'll never hate you shrimp, you too cute to hate on," She blushes and looks away.

"Okay okay I was just asking," She says walking away. I smiled as she joins her friends. I walk and grab all my friends and made them sit next to one another. So everyone was across each other.

"Dude what the fuck was that for?" Jellal looks at rudely. I pat him in the head very very slowly. And for the guys it's not a very good sign. The girls look confused as the boys shutter in fear.

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