Baby sitting

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"Hey Felicity," Oliver said as he walked down the stairs to the front door to find Felicity kneeling on the floor rocking the baby car seat that held baby Caitlin.

Wow! she is so beautiful  Oliver thought to himself.

"Hey! I gotta run I'm going to be late so here are some dippers, baby food, and of course Caity. I will meet you here after work. Thank you so much!" Felicity said while giving him a quick hug and running out the door.

"So, Thea do you know anything about babies? I mean Dig will be here soon to help but I have no idea what I am doing can you help maybe teach me a little bit?" Oliver asked through a worried laugh.

"You're the one who signed on for this,"  Thea said turning around to walk away with a smirk.

"Please Thea I have no idea what I am doing!" Oliver begged.

"Oh! all right I will teach you a little today but tomorrow you are on your own." She replied with a smile.

 Oliver ran up and picked his sister up into a hug. He had no idea what he would do without her.

"First things first we need to get a room set up for them," Thea told her brother.

"We can put them in the room next to mine so that way they are never to far away and that can be Baby Bears room all of the time." Oliver said.

"Okay, we need to make a list of what they need." Thea ran to grab a note book and a pen. "So we need two cradles, a changing bed, a chair, probably should get some sort of decorations and toys, they need dippers, baby food, bottles, and baby wipes. So I guess we are going shopping!" Thea said excitedly.

"I am in way over my head," Oliver said starring at the two babies Barry who was in his arms and Caitlin who Thea had picked up out of the car seat and was now trying to calm down because the moment Felicity left Caitlin started to whimper. "Okay but before we leave I am going to call Dig." Oliver said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and started to call Dig.

"Hey what's up," Dig answered the phone.

"Uh, babysitting." Oliver said starting to freak out thinking Dig had forgotten.

"Yah, I am on my way to your place now." Dig said and Oliver sighed a sigh of relief.

"Okay but me and Thea are leaving to go to the store to get some things for the kids I will meet you back hear." Oliver said before hanging up and pressing speed dial two.

"Hey I just got to my desk I was ten minutes late I have never been late before!" He heard Felicity rambling threw the phone.

"Hey Felicity, I just wanted to let you know that apparently Caitlin really likes you because the moment you left she got all upset." Oliver said with a chuckle.

"Aww! that is so cute!" Thea yelled starring at Oliver with a huge smile.

"Thea!" Oliver whined.

"Okay well I am going to start working so bye. Unless you have something else to say because if you do you can tell," Felicity was cut off.

"Licity, Licity, it's okay have a good day at work see you later." Oliver hung up. "Thea you are in so much trouble,"

"Hey no violence around the little ones," Thea said with a smirk.

" Come on lets go," Oliver said as he started walking toward the door and to the car.

Thea followed him after putting baby Caitlin in her car seat. She buckled the baby seats in and got in the front seat and they were off to the store.  


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