He is back!

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Olivers POV

"Hey Dig, Thea, can you two handle the kids I am heading to the store," Oliver said while putting his coat on.

His phone started to ring, and he started to answer it.

" Hey Felicity whats up?"He asked when he answered the phone and realized it was Felicity.

" Ollie" He could hear he crying.

"Felicity? Felicity, whats wrong?" 

" Slade he is back." He could barely understand what she said because she was crying so hard.  When he realized what he said he almost fainted.

" I am on my way."  He hung up.

"Ollie, what is wrong?" Thea asked.

" Slade he's back." he said Thea had known he has been the Arrow for the last couple months, so she knew why he was worried. he ran out the door before saying anything else and headed to QC .

"Please be okay. Please be okay." He said to himself. What would he do if something happened to her? He was going to stop Slade. He would not let him hurt the people he'd loved again. Never again.

Olive ran into the building and asked for Felicity.

"Up stairs on the 19th floor." The man said.

Oliver ran to the elevator  and headed strait to Felicity's office.

"Felicity? Felicity?" he called when he got up there and could not find her.

He ran to her desk to see if could find a clue on were she was. He filled with joy when he got to her desk and found her. She was curled up under he desk fast asleep. 

"Thank goodness you are okay." He said before he sighed a sigh of relief. What would he do if he had been to late? He did not want to think about that, all that mattered was that she was safe, and that was how it was going to stay.

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