Two Babies in a Store

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Olivers POV

I cant believe I signed up for this! What was I thinking! I am so glad that Thea is here if it weren't for her I would have failed this city by now.  But Felicity is so darn cute holding that baby.

"Ollie, you have been sitting there starring at nothing for like forever!" Thea said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, uh, I will take Baby Bear and get clothes, dippers, and food can you get everything else?" I asked changing the subject before she asked what I was thinking about.

"Yah, I am guessing I am taking Caitlin to," Thea said as she started to get Caitlin out of the car and head inside.

"So Baby Bear. what do you think about Felicity? She is that girl who brought Caitlin here today." I asked looking at Baby Bear half expecting him to answer before I went and pulled him out of the car leaving the two empty car seats in the car.

"C,C,CIN,Caitin,Caitin! Tea,Tea!" Barry started to yell and squirm out of my arms.

"Wow! Baby Bear! hold on calm down we can go find them it is okay. They will be okay I wont let anything happen to them." I whispered into his ear to calm him down but nothing happened except for that he  had managed to get out of my arms and was gone "Oh no, Thea."

"yah?" she asked when I found her.

"We have an issue,"

"You lost the kid didn't you,"

"He has his super speed and he ran off to find her." I said pointing to the little baby that was standing on two feet for the first time he had seen using Theas hands for support. " Come here Pixie," I said as I picked her up as I noticed her getting tired.

"What if  you find Barry you have to be able to catch him," Thea asked confused.

"I can karrie both of them you can not so if you find him you can catch him because Little Pixie is all worn out," I looked over at the little girl almost asleep in my arms.

"That is so cute. you treat them like they are your children. You have nicknames for them you make sure they are happy and safe, you are like number one dad." Thea said with a laugh.

"Go get lookin, I will check that half of the store and you check this." I told her.

Caitlin was now asleep and she was adorable. If it was not for my night job as the Arrow I would have kids. I know it seems like big tough guy would want a sun, but since Thea was born I have always wanted a girl. But all of that was left behind when I was rescued from that island. I then looked arowned  the store for Baby Bear trying not to wake Pixie while I was at it.

My phone went off shortly after that.   

"Yup?" I asked

"Oliver? Its Felicity. Um do you happen to be missing anyone?"

"Oh no, I am sorry he was looking for Caitlin and took off. Thea had taken Caitlin to a different part of the store."

"Okay well you will need to come and get him because I still have like seven hours of work. He is asleep from the run right now but he wont be for long and he cant stay here I would get fired."

I grabbed a thing of dippers, two outfits each for them, and baby food before Thea, Sleeping Pixie, and I started toward Felicity's work.  Toward our next adventure.  


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