"Oliver I..."

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Felicitys POV

I woke up and I could tell that someone was carrying me. All of a sudden everything came back to me, the phone call, him saying he was going to hurt the kids. I could not let that happen. Wait, who was carrying my? 

I looked up and saw a very familiar face.


"Hey Sweetheart," he said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Slade is back he called you. You had a break down. Are okay know?" He asked.

"Yah, but he said he was going to hurt the kids!" I said starting to freakout again.

"Felicity calm down." Oliver said as he started to stop walking and sit down on a bench. "It is all going to be okay Thea, Diggle, and Roy are taking care of them. I am sure they can keep them safe for a little while." He said as he sat down still holding me in his arms.

I don't know why but I was happy. Being around him made me feel safe. What would my life be like if I had never met him? Probably boring, he is the one that keeps me going.

"Thank you." I said as looked up into his bright eyes.

"For what?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Everything. Always being there for me. Seeing something in me from the start, more than just an IT girl." I said.

"Of course, you will always be my girl." He said. he noticed I was calmed down and he stood up with me still in his arms and continued to walk to his house. 

I don't now why but this made me really happy. He knew that I could walk yet he still carried me all the way home.

"Oliver I...You are awesome." I said changing my mind on what I was going to say.

"Felicity Smoke not only are you awesome and smart, you are also beautiful." he said before setting me down at the door of his house and we walked in.

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