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Felicity's POV.

"Ms. Smoke, you are late." Felicity's boss said when she entered her office.

"I know I am sorry my cousin showed up and left me with her baby and I had to find a babysitter, and I am just so sorry. I will try to be to work on time from know on." Felicity rambled.

"Well, under those circumstances, and the fact that you have never been late before I will let you off the hook. this time but don't make a habit of it." Her boss said before walking out of the office.

Felicity sat at her desk and started to put on a little bit of make up before getting to work. About an hour later Felicity heard a familiar swoosh go through the offices.

"Oh no," she whispered, "he still has his super speed."

Felicity looked out of her office just in time to see a red streak come flying towered her.

"Barry," Felicity tried to stay as quiet as she could as she caught him in her arms as he came flying by.

"Mommy," Barry whispered before immediately falling asleep in her arms.

"Poor little guy, you must be tired from that run." She giggled to herself. "I should really call Oliver and have him come and get you, but you are so cute. why do you have to be such a cute baby huh?"

Felicity decided to let the baby sleep in her arms for a few minutes before calling Oliver. She did not what to call him though but she could not keep Barry at work with her and Oliver must be worried sick.


"Yup?" he asked.

"Oliver its Felicity. Um, do you happed to be missing anyone?"

"Oh no, I am so sorry he was looking for Caitlin and took off. Thea had Caitlin in a different part of the store."

"Okay, well, you will have to come and get him because I still have like seven hours of work. He is asleep from the run right know but he wont be for long, and he cant stay here I will get fired." I hung up and lied Barry down on my coat next to my desk so that way if anyone came in here they would not find him.  

I quietly got back to work trying not to wake him and hopping that Oliver got here soon.  What would I do if he didn't? What would I do if Barry woke up Before Oliver Showed up? What would I do if someone found Barry? How would I explain? So many questions not enough answers. This kid thing is not as easy as I thought.


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