QC heights

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Felicity's POV

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!" I screeched as they through me out of the elevator, into the open area. we were on the top floor of QC, and I hate heights!

"Why did we have to take the girl anyway? She is so annoying! Why not just take the brats? That would be enough, right?" Said one of Slade's followers.

"She was the main target to begin with the Brats were just an added bonus." Sade said as his followers  tied the cage that had Barry, Caity, and I in up really high in a way that I had to look down.

"Slade! Did you not get you revenge enough last time you were here? What are you doing this for?" I screeched trying to calm down the crying babies.

"Oliver must suffer. Last time I was here we were interrupted before he suffered enough." Sade said in his accent.

"How long are you going to leave us up here because I really hate heights. Like a lot." I babbled as I started to freak out about how high we were.

"You will stay up there until I say so." Sade said before  him and his followers were gone.

"Okay he is gone everything will be okay. I won't let him hurt you." I whispered to the little ones that were stating to fall asleep, from crying, in my arms. 

I rocked the little ones back and forth. My arms were starting to get tiered from holding them and their was room for them to lay on the floor next to me, but I did not want to let them go. I really hope Oliver gets here soon, I am having a hard time trying to stay calm. Why did they have to put us up so high? 

I woke up I don't know how much later and instantly knew something was wrong. The little ones! Were are they! Wait I was in someones arms. We were in a moving vehicle. I waited for my eyes to adjust to see who it was.

"Oliver!" I yelled but quickly went silent as I realized he was asleep. He had me in his arms, and the little ones curled up next to us in what looked like a blanket nest. We were in the back of the van on the floor and I could see Thea driving with Roy asleep in the seat next to her. I was happy I was safe. But what happened? How had I not woke up at all?

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