(15) I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

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I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

Chapter 15

Drake’s POV

The flight back home took forever and the ride to the hospital even longer.

The last few hours has been nothing but torture, not knowing if Jace is going to make it or not.

After I had gotten the video, I loaded the piece of me and the girl onto my phone and emailed it to Jace. I thought he would reply but he didn’t and when I tried to phone him to beg him to just look at it there was no answer. He’s phone was dead and I was busy freaking out. After another half an hour and who knows how many unanswered phone calls I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to make sure that Jace was okay and that he got the video I sent him so I phoned my dad and asked him to go around to Jace’s house. He agreed, sounding a bit concerned after I told him the shortest possible version of what was going on.

Ten minutes later I got a call from my dad with the news. I was hoping he was going to tell me that Jace is fine, that he watched the video and that everything is going to be fine but that is not what he told me. The words he spoke were deafening and for a second I couldn’t think or move. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening and then it all sank in.

Jace had tried to kill himself and my dad had no idea whether it worked or not. He had phoned an ambulance before phoning me and the fact that he was freaking out wasn’t helping much. He said something about Jace having cut his wrists and blood being everywhere and then that he couldn’t find a pulse. That’s when I let my phone drop. I heard enough. Jace tried to kill himself and it was all my fault. My world span around me and I was slightly aware of the fact that Sam and Jackson was talking to me as I grabbed my wallet, picked up my phone and sprinted out of the room.

I tried phoning my dad again while I was buying my flight ticket but he wasn’t answering and then once we were in the air I locked myself in the toilet and tried phoning again but I had no reception.  My life was falling apart right in front of me at a terrifying pace and if Jace doesn’t survive I might as well jump right out of the plane because the thought of living without him was tearing me to pieces.

By the time the cab stopped in front of the hospital I was freaking out completely. I had managed to get a hold of my dad but he couldn’t tell me anything except at which hospital they were at. The paramedics had apparently managed to resuscitate Jace but had no idea if he was going to survive or not.

I pushed some bills into the cab drivers hand and jumped out without bothering to get change. It didn’t matter, nothing except Jace matters and if by some miracle he survives I am never going to leave him again. Not for school or that stupid scholarship.  I was staying right here with him where I can make sure that he knows just how much I love him.

I ran into the hospital and scanned the waiting room for my dad. He was sitting at the far end with his head in his hands.

“Where is he?” I asked as soon as I was close enough for him to hear me. He looked up at me with the most horrifying expression, causing my heart to sink right through my chest.

“Where is he?” I repeated, half yelling the words.

“In ICU but you can’t go in yet,” he stated.

“What do you mean? Why can’t I go in?” I asked as tears streaked down my face. This is not happening, I am dreaming, this cannot be happening my mind repeated but I knew all too well that it was in fact really happening and I wasn’t coping with it at all.

“They’re still busy working on him. They had to pump his stomach and…” my dad trailed off.

“And what?”

“They don’t know if he is going to make it, it doesn’t look to good,” he finished and that is when I broke down completely.

Everything started spinning out of control, I felt off balance and my mind was going crazy. I couldn’t live without him. I wouldn’t live without him.

I yelled as loud as I could as I started hyperventilating. Tears running down my face causing my eyes to blur.  I turned around because I didn’t’ want to hurt my dad and punched the first thing that was in front of me which happened to be a vending machine. My hand went right through the glass and I watched as a piece stuck right into my hand. Blood formed around it almost instantly and for a second I was entranced by it. I let out another scream and was about to punch the machine or the wall or break anything I could get a hold of when somebody grabbed a hold of me. Whoever it was pulled me away and then I felt something prick my arm. It all happened so fast but yet it felt like it was happening in slow motion at the same time. I could feel my body go numb and then the world turned black around me.

I woke in a hospital bed, hooked up to a drip. There was nobody else in the room and although I was feeling groggy I knew exactly what was going on. They had sedated me and were probably feeding me calming meds through the drip.

Whatever it was they were giving me wasn’t strong enough though, I could feel myself starting to freak out again as my mind grew clearer. I had to see Jace. I had to know if he is okay so I grabbed a hold of the injection needle that was plastered to my arm and ripped it out. It stung and cut though some of the flesh but it didn’t matter. I jumped off of the bed, almost falling over my feet since I was still drugged up, and ran out of the room.

 I made my way down a few hallways and up the stairs, following the sign boards that led to the ICU.

I had almost made it through the big swinging doors when I was grabbed again.

“Hold on just a second,” A voice said and I had to restrain myself from pushing him off of me and rushing in.

“I just need to see him, please,” I half begged as I started crying again

“Okay, just calm down and tell me who you want to see,” the doctor said, letting go of me.

“Jace, I need to see Jace,” I stuttered breathlessly.

“Jace, let me see,” he replied, looking at the papers on the clip board he had in his hand.

“He’s not awake yet,” he stated, still looking at the papers.

“Is he going to be okay?” I managed to aske, feeling hope for the first time.

“I believe so but it is going to take a while, he hurt himself pretty badly,” the doctor replied.

“What exactly did he do?” I asked, feeling a bit more composed.

“I can’t disclose that information, now tell me, who are you?” he replied.

“I’m his boyfriend,” I answered immediately and watched as the doctors cool and calm expression changed to one of surprise.

“Oh, let me see what I can do to get you in there, just stay right here,” he said and then quickly went to talk to one of the nurses.

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