(7) I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

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I Want To Do Bad Things With You

Chapter 7

Jace’s POV

Drake didn’t sound right when we spoke over the phone and although he kept on assuring me that he was fine, I couldn’t help but worry. He sounded stressed and angry and I didn’t like it one bit. Speaking to him was great though and it helped me sleep, which is good because I really needed it.

College has been ok, I guess. Classes are a bit boring but I’ve been trying really hard to concentrate but it’s proven to be difficult since all I can think about is Drake. It kind of feels like I’m going crazy without him. I haven’t made any friends but that’s ok because I don’t really want to, nothing seems right without Drake around. All I want is to be with him every second of every day.

I want to hold him in my arms, kiss him, hug him, touch him, do all sorts of things with him but I can’t because he is miles away and I’m stuck here in an empty house.

The following day, which was Sunday, I went to the graveyard to visit my mother. I haven’t done it in a while and I wasn’t sure why I really went. I miss her and all but I don’t like graveyards and I was already in a horrible mood. It’s been a while since she passed and although I have moved on with my life, I still miss her sometimes. I guess she was great, as far as mothers go at least.

I sat down next to her gravestone and thought about everything that has happened over the last few months. Losing her was horrible but Drake falling in love with me was the best thing that ever happened to me. It was a dream come true and still is. The only problem is that he isn’t around at the moment and I was slowly losing touch with reality. I really needed to see him, badly.

I stayed at my mother’s grave for what seemed like a really long time. I didn’t talk to her and I didn’t cry. I just sat there, not wanting to go back to an empty house. I never used to mind being alone before but now the house seems to haunt me.

I left when it started raining, it was late afternoon and I hadn’t eaten yet, I didn’t have any money though so I just threw together a sandwich when I got home. It’s been tough. Drake’s dad has been giving me money whenever he can but it’s just not enough, I didn’t tell Drake this because I didn’t want him to worry. Instead I started looking for a job and luckily the guy at the local diner agreed to hire me. I’ll be starting the beginning of the next month, in other words, I’ll be starting in two weeks time. The Monday after the weekend when Drake is coming to visit. I will tell him about it then, I don’t want him to worry about me while he is not here.

The next two weeks dragged by slowly. I was counting the days to see Drake again and from what I could tell, he was too. It’s been tough but I’ve managed to get by, living on cereal, coffee and bread isn’t the easiest but as soon as I start working that will be sorted.

On Friday morning I woke up feeling more alive than I have in a really long time. Drake was flying in tonight and just knowing that I was going to see him made me feel a million times better. I still couldn’t concentrate in class though but this time it was because I was way too excited.

When my classes were done I headed home, took a shower and got dressed, making sure I look good. I even did my hair instead of just washing it and leaving it. Lastly I added my makeup and then I set off to go pick Drake up at the airport. I was a full hour to early but I didn’t mind waiting, I’d wait forever for him if I get to hold him in my arms.

When his plane landed I headed over to where he would enter the airport and waited very impatiently. It’s been the longest month of my life and when I saw him walking through the entrance, my heart sped up and I couldn’t stop myself from running to him. I also couldn’t stop myself from crying when he wrapped his arms around me.

“I’ve missed you so much,” I whispered through the tears, holding on to him like my life depended on it.

“I missed you more,” Drake replied, sounding very serious. I honestly think this has been just as hard on him as it has on me.

We held on to each other for a very long time but after a while that just wasn’t enough anymore and his mouth found mine. He kissed me hungrily and I responded with just as much venom, wanting to devour him.  We were interrupted by the sound of somebody clearing there throat. We didn’t stop kissing, we just ignored whoever it was but they did it again, louder this time, demanding our attention. I pulled out of the kiss, already hating the person who was interrupting us even though I had no idea who it was, and turned my attention to him. It was a middle aged man, with grey hair and an angered expression on his face.

“Could you please not do that, this is a public place and my kids can see you,” he said, gesturing to a woman with two boys with her.

“You’re right but only about this being a public place and since we both still have all of our clothes on were not doing anything wrong,” Drake half growled, obviously pissed off.

“I don’t want my kids seeing things like this,” the man stated, angrier than before.

“Then don’t let them watch,” Drake replied with an evil grin as he grabbed a hold of me, pulling me tightly against him and crashing his lips to mine.

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