(2) I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

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I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

(Sequel to I Want To Do Bad Things With You)

Chapter 2

Jace’s POV

I kissed him as hard as I could, never wanting to let him go. It’s strange but I can’t help feeling that somehow I am going to lose him. That he is going to realize that he is too good for me and leave me for somebody else, probably a girl. Somebody who can give him the future he deserves. Kids, a family, a normal life without being judged.

I’m not sure if Drake knows that I feel this way. I try to hide it from him as much as possible, I don’t want him to think I am some insecure possessive boyfriend. I don’t want to scare him away when I only just got him.

“I love you,” Drake whispered as he pulled out of the kiss and looked deep into my eyes. My heart skipped a beat and I had to restrain myself from kissing his soft delicious lips again.

“I love you too,” I breathed and watched as his lips turned up into a happy smile. Maybe all my worries are really unnecessary.

“Come on, I want to show off with you,” Drake said, taking my hand in his and pulling me towards the school entrance.

I followed him happily, not because I wanted to be at the dance but because I love the fact that he was happy to have me on his arm.

At first when we entered the hall everything seemed fine but as we made our way through the crowd I couldn’t help but notice how couples stopped dancing to stare and gossip about us. Everybody at school knows that Drake and I are together but most of them just can’t seem to except it. We haven’t had many incidents of open name calling and people looking for fights since the principle set Jason straight and Drake got his scholarship but that doesn’t mean that we were accepted.

“Forget about them,” Drake whispered as he tightened his grip on my hand. I didn’t say anything. I wasn’t worried about them, I was worried about Drake, the last time he stood up for me and our relationship he got injured really badly. I couldn’t stand it if he ever got hurt because of me again.

We made our way over to the punch bowl and got ourselves some drinks before finding a quiet corner to watch the dance from.

“Not everybody hates us, look at those two,” Drake said, pointing his finger in the direction of two girls. They were really pretty but didn’t quite look like they fitted in with the rest of the kids and for some reason they were staring at us with wide eyes.

“Maybe they’re just surprised to see us here,” I stated, wondering what the expressions on their faces really meant.

“That’s not it,” Drake chuckled.

“Then what?” I asked, turning my attention back to him. Fuck, he is gorgeous. His smile grew wider with amusement as he looked at me and I had to remind myself that we were in public.

“They are practically undressing you with their eyes. I think they want you and I can’t say that I blame them,” he said, taking a step closer to me and causing my insides to shiver with desire.

“They can’t have me but you can,” I stated, teasingly and watched as Drake’s eyes filled with lust.

“Right now?” he asked, his voice joking but I could tell that part of him was being serious from the way he was looking at me.

“Anytime, anywhere,” I answered honestly.

“You’re serious,” Drake said, looking slightly amazed and intrigued.

One of my favorite songs started playing right then and before I knew it Drake was leading me to the middle of the dance floor. The kids around us all stopped and stared as Drake pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me but as soon as he did it I lost all sense of reality and where I was. All I could think about was the feeling of his arms around me and that it was the first time we were actually dancing with each other.

I tightened my arms around him as we moved to the music, our faces so close that I could feel his breath on my body.

“I want you, right now,” Drake whispered and before I could say anything he’s lips were on mine. The kiss started off slow and gentle but soon grew with passion to the point where we were practically devouring each other. He tasted so sweet that I thought I was going to drown with pleasure as our tongues and lips fought for dominance.

We were interrupted and brought back to reality by the sound of the principles voice.

“Excuse me boys but we can’t allow that kind of thing here,” he said causing us to break our kiss and look at him. Kids were standing all around us with the strangest expressions on their faces. Some looked disgusted, some looked angry but the principle just looked really uncomfortable. Drake gave him an evil smile and then turned his attention to me.

“I guess we’ll just have to go somewhere else then,” he said, he’s breathing still uneven and his eyes burning with lust.

“Sounds good to me,” I replied, taking a hold of his hand.

Drake lead me out of the gym and as soon as we were in the hall, he picked up pace until we were practically running. I had no idea where we were going but I was laughing so hard that I really didn’t care.

Drake came to a sudden stop and I almost ran right into him as he reached for the door in front of him. It was the janitor’s closet and my stomach flipped from excitement as I realized what was happening. Drake took a quick look around to make sure we weren’t being watched and then pulled me inside.

His lips found mine immediately as his hands gripped my waist and pushed me back against the wall, our bodies melting into each other with pleasure.

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