(3) I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

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 I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

(Sequel to I Want To Do Bad Things With You)

Chapter 3

Drake’s POV

“Were going to get caught,” Jace breathed as I ripped off his jacket, causing something to fall and clatter around us.

“I don’t care,” I replied, honestly not giving a damn at the moment. I wanted and needed him and the whole world could go up into flames around us for all I cared.

“Good because there is something I really want to do right now,” Jace whispered as he grabbed a hold of my hands that were tugging at his black t shirt.

“What’s that?” I asked but quickly figured it out as Jace pushed me back against the opposite wall and crouched down in front of me.

He’s hands moved fast and knowingly as he undid my pants and took me in his mouth.

“Jace,” I moaned as I grabbed a hold of his hair, pulling on it as he started going faster.

“What’s going on in there?” I heard the familiar voice of Mrs. Thornsberry say and then the door opened flooding the little closet with light before I could even think of pulling my pants up. Mrs. Thornsberry let out a shrill scream and slammed the door closed.

“Come on, we need to get out of here,” I said as I pulled Jace to his feet, a thrill of excitement running through my veins.

“And fast,” Jace agreed but couldn’t resist giving me a long teasing kiss before he grabbed his jacket and through the doors open. I laughed at his playfulness and then grabbed his hand, taking of down the hall again.

We made it to my car without being caught and jumped in, laughing hard as our adrenaline pumped. That was such a rush. I quickly started the car and took off down the road, laughing as we went.

We were about half way home, driving down a long dark road with a forest on the one side when I decided that I wanted to finish what I started and I didn’t feel like waiting until we got home. I slammed on the breaks and pulled the car to the side of the road, switching off all the lights.

“What are you doing?” Jace asked with a spark in his eyes, obviously having a good idea as to what the answer is.

“You’ll see,” I replied teasingly as I got out of the car, beckoning for him to following me. He did so without argument as I led him into the forest. I knew it was dangerous and maybe just a bit stupid but knowing this only made it more exciting. I made sure we were far in, where we couldn’t be seen, before turning around and grabbing a hold of him.

It was really dark and I couldn’t see much but it didn’t matter, I wanted him and was going to have him, right now, right there. I pushed him back against a nearby tree and quickly found his lips with mine. He kissed me back hungrily as his hands made their way down to the zipper of my pants again. I moaned in the back of my throat as he pulled it down and grabbed a hold of me.

I kissed him some more and then when I couldn’t take it anymore I undid his pants, pulled them down and spun him around so that he was standing against the tree but with his back against me. I found his entrance quickly and pressed myself inside as I took him in my hands. I thrusted hard and soon we both came undone.

The thrill was amazing and the buzz lasted until we got home but then Jace started acting all strange. I had no idea what was wrong, he seemed to enjoy every second of the night after all. I went through all the details in my mind but couldn’t come up with something that would have upset him. Maybe I did something wrong unintentionally I thought as I grabbed us some sodas from the fridge.

Jace was sitting on the living room couch with a faraway look in his eyes.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting down beside him.

“Nothing,” he replied smiling at me but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“You can’t lie to me so you better just tell me and get it over with,” I stated feeling a bit nervous. Why the hell was he acting so weird?

“I was just thinking about next year,” Jace answered causing my insides to turn a bit. It was the one thing I really didn’t want to think about. I’ve been trying to put it off since I got the scholarship but I guess I can’t put it off forever. The days weren’t standing still and soon I would have to leave.

“I don’t have to go, I can stay here with you,” I said, hoping that he would just say yes. It would mean giving up my scholarship but I would rather lose that than him.

“No!” Jace half yelled, looking kind of pissed.

“It was just a suggestion,” I stated, trying to get him to calm down.

“I know,” he said, sitting back against the couch as he ran his hand through his hair.

“I don’t want to go without you,” I said, taking his free hand in mine.

“I know that too but you have to. You can’t give up your dream for me,” he said, sounding all serious.

“It’s mine to give up so I can if I want to,” I replied stubbornly. I’ve had lots of time to think about this and the option of staying with Jace was looking better to me every day.

“I won’t let you and anyway, I’m probably making it worse than it is. We can phone each other all the time and I’ll still see you,” Jace said, trying to sound optimistic but failing miserably.

“I’ll come visit you every chance I get,” I replied, swallowing hard. I have gotten so used to being with Jace every day that I wasn’t quite sure if I would actually be able to live without him.

When I got the scholarship we tried getting him into the university where I would be going but they turned him down, and so did all the other colleges near it. It’s not that his marks were bad but they weren’t good enough to get him a scholarship and we just didn’t have the money to pay for any of the colleges so in the end he was stuck going to community college here at home.

“You better come visit all the time or I’m going to go crazy,” Jace said jokingly, obviously trying to lighten the mood but I could tell that he was upset.

“I will, I promise,” I replied, pulling him into my arms and hugging him tightly.

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