(25) I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

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I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

Chapter 25

Drake’s POV

Today was going great considering everything that’s happened over the last few weeks. Jace seemed a lot more like his old self which lifted a huge weight from my shoulders. I know that it is going to take a while before he is completely back to normal and I also know that what happened isn’t something a person just forgets about but things were finally looking up. We are leaving tomorrow and it is kind of like a fresh start, maybe we can leave all the shit that happened behind and concentrate on being happy.

“Are you coming?” Jace asked as he peeked out from the bathroom door, causing my heart to leap in my chest.

“Yeah, I’ll be right there,” I replied as I got to my feet and watched as he disappeared back into the bathroom. Was he really asking me to join him in the shower? This was more than I could ask for but I wasn’t going to let him wait on me so I made my way inside the steam filled bathroom.

Jace was already undressed and stepping under the water. His body skinnier than I’m used to but still glorious in every way. I watched as the water splashed over him and soaked his skin, causing his longer than usual black hair to cling to his face as he turned around in search of me.

A wickedly sexy smile formed on his face as soon as his lust filled eyes found mine, letting me know exactly what he had in mind.

My dick throbbed against my jeans, begging to be let out of its confinement.

“Undress,” Jace stated, looking me up and down as the water continued to pour over his now glimmering body. His forwardness took me a bit by surprise but sent a shiver of pleasure through my now very excited body.

“Now,” Jace instructed as he ran a hand through his hair. I glimpsed his wound on his wrist and had to fight the urge to ask him how it was feeling. Now was not the time. Jace wanted me naked and that is exactly what I am going to give his so without another thought I ripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower with him.

Jace didn’t make me wait on him as he grabbed a hold of my body and bent down on his knees in front of me. I did not expect this but felt my body both relax from stress and tense up with an incredible need as he took me in his mouth. I moaned and wrapped my hands into his hair as I got lost in the pleasure he was giving me.

We spent a very long time in the shower, enjoying each other’s bodies. It was unimaginable and I was incredible grateful that I got to be this way with Jace again. There is nothing I would ever want more that to be with him and love him.

I could tell that Jace was getting nervous once we finally got into bed but he didn’t object when I wrapped my arms around him and pulled his body close to mine.

It didn’t take me very long to fall asleep and although Jace woke a few times during the night, I felt refreshed and excited when my phone woke me this morning. Jace only stirred and although I wanted to leave him to sleep, I had to wake him so that we could pack and get going.

“Morning,” I whispered softly as I traced my fingers over his naked chest.

“We won’t be getting out of bed anytime soon if you continue doing that,” he replied as he opened his eyes and focused them on me.

“I better stop then,” I chuckled, slowly moving away from him.

“Don’t you dare,” he complained as he grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me on top of him, causing my body to react immediately. Needless to say, we did not get up in time and had to rush through everything when we finally did get out of bed.

We quickly got dressed, washed up and then started packing. We took as many clothes as we could fit and then a bunch of our personal stuff. We obviously couldn’t take everything but luckily my dad agreed that we could store my car and a few boxes of our stuff at their house, only leaving the furniture in the house as agreed with the lawyer.

Once we were sure that we had everything we phoned my dad and he came over to our house with his big pick up van to help us. We drove with my car to my parents’ house and then quickly pulled it into the garage and unloaded the boxes before my dad took us to the airport with our remaining bags.

We wanted to call a cab but my dad insisted on driving us and it was nice to get to say goodbye to him. He has really done a lot for me and Jace and we would forever be grateful for that.

He seemed happy with our decision and agreed that the lawyer could pick up our house keys from him and said that we can call him if we ever need anything.

We didn’t have to wait very long to board our plain and soon we were on our way. It felt good going back to university with Jace by my side. It felt right and I couldn’t help but be exited for what the future held for us.

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