(6) I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

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I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

(Sequel To I Want To Do Bad Things With You)

Chapter 6

Drake’s POV

The days dragged by and although my classes were ok and football practice were amazing I couldn’t stop missing Jace, in fact, it just got worse and worse every day. My heart was breaking slowly and I felt really alone, the phone calls, emails and messages that we sent each other not being enough.

Jackson and Sam were being there normal self, which means they were being completely ridiculous and now to top it all off, they are insisting that I go to a party on Saturday night. I really don’t want to but seeing as I’m part of the football team I don’t think I have much of a choice. I would much rather go back home and spend every second I possibly can with Jace, but that it impossible. I don’t have enough money to pay for a ticket at the moment so I am going to have to wait until the end of the month which is still two weeks away. My dad promised to pay some money into my account so that I could fly back home to visit every month, I just hope he sticks to it.

I spent Friday night on the phone with Jace. The guys here doesn’t know about me and him yet and I have a feeling that their not really going to like it. That is their problem though. I’m not going to go out of my way to make things more complicated by telling them but I’m not going to lie about us. Jace means way too much to me and I won’t ever do anything to screw up our relationship.

We must have been on the phone for an hour before I scratched up the courage to say goodbye. I had no idea that it was even possible to miss somebody as much as I miss him and  I could tell that it is really hard on him too. He’s trying to act brave and as if he is ok but the tone of his voice gives him away and I hate myself for putting him through this.

Saturday passed by quickly. We had football practice in the morning and then everybody started going on about the party, everybody except for me. I really didn’t want to go. I had a bad feeling about it and kept on trying to think of a way to get out of it but it was useless.

“Come on dickhead,” Jackson said as he walked passed me, slapping me against the head. I am really starting to hate the guy but he is on the football team and I was trying my best not to start any fights.

“Yeah,” I replied, dragging myself from my bed.

I followed him and Sam down the hall and to the other side of the campus where the party was happening.

It was at the final year student’s dorm and the place was packed with drunken kids, some making out, some smoking, drinking and dancing and some passed out.

The place was a mess and it was still early, I shook my head, hating having to be here and made my way inside. Sam and Jackson disappeared but it didn’t take them long to find me again. Sam pressed a beer into my hand and took a huge sip of his.

“I don’t want any,” I said, my words escaping before I realized how stupid they are going to sound. Sam stared at me dumbfounded and then burst out laughing.

“Good one, now drink up,” he yelled and then downed the bottle of beer in his hand. I took a few sips of mine and then slowly drifted away from them. I tossed the rest and set out to find somewhere less noisy and crowded. It was hopeless though so I settled on a single couch that was pressed up against the wall in one of the rooms. Kids were dancing and joking all around me but all I could think of was Jace and how badly I wanted to talk to him.

“Hi sexy,” I heard a female voice say and I looked up to see a blonde girl standing not too far from me. She was pretty but I disliked her immediately, the look in her eyes telling me that she was up to no good.

 “Hi,” I said, not wanting to be rude but not interested in talking to her.

“Your friend over there said you could use some company,” she said, pointing at Jackson who was busy making out with some girl. He didn’t seem to notice me.

“No thanks,” I said, hoping that she would just let it go and find some other guy to flirt with. I wasn’t that lucky.

“I think you should at least give me a try before you turn me down,” she said and before I knew what was happening she jumped on my lap and pressed her lips against mine. It took me by complete surprise but I wasn’t going to be having any of that. I don’t care whether she is a girl, no means no and there was no way in hell I was allowing this.

I pushed her off of me and jumped to my feet as she fell to the floor. She let out a little scream and glared at me as she stood up.

“I told you I’m not interested,” I said, glaring back at her. What a slut!

“Why? Are you gay or something?” She retaliated, her voice growing louder, drawing a lot of attention to us. Everybody in the room, including Jackson was now staring at us and for a second I didn’t know what to say or do.

“I’m in a relationship, you should have listened when I said I’m not interested,” I replied and then turned around and walked away.

I didn’t stay at the party and I honestly didn’t care what anybody thought. I didn’t want to be there and that was that. I made my way back to my dorm room, furious at the world. It was quiet since Jackson and Sam was at the party and I was thankful for that fact. I didn’t need any more of their crap. All I wanted was to talk to Jace so I dialed his number and laid down on my bed. We didn’t speak about the party, I didn’t want to upset Jace more than he already was and I was way more interested in what he was doing anyway.

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